Kinds of lessons that teachers need to know

By | May 13, 2021

Kinds of lessons teachers need to know
A lesson is a process by which information, skills, or concepts are communicated from the teacher to the students. Teachers sometimes ask their pupils to find out things on their own, from other pupils or sources like books and computers, etc. These can provide important information for pupils. However, the above mentioned are not the most common modes of learning in our schools. The process by which information, skills, or concept are communicated from the teacher to students i.e., (a lesson) remains the major means for teaching and learning in schools.

A developmental lesson:
This is used when the aim is to teach new things to pupils. If you want to develop a new idea or a new knowledge, when you are starting a new topic the kind of lesson you used is development.

An inductive or deductive lesson
This is a special form of the developmental lesson used to develop a formula, law, rule, or principle such as (2πr). It deals with learner inquiry or investigation, unlike the first one which focuses on teacher presentation.

An appreciation lesson
It is the kind of lesson that has the aim of capturing the feeling or attitudes of pupils. As a teacher, if you want your pupils to appreciate a certain kind of good behavior, what you use is an appreciation lesson.

A skill lesson
This kind of lesson involves learning a practical performance or a mechanical act. It could be preparing an uncommon local diet or scrubbing. It could also involve more mental activity such as computation, skill in mathematics calculations, or computer skill. Other skills that can be taught are writing and spelling. Skill lessons try to get the pupil to practice the activity or skills enough to be perfect in it. This means that they will involve some drills

Revision lesson
This is a lesson where the teacher revises all that he/she has taught the pupils so that they will understand it better. The teacher goes over what pupils have learned previously to get a deeper understanding of what has been taught.

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