TTAG VOLTA Sensitization Tour: students of Amedzofe College of Education Sensitized as TTAG-VOLTA Pays a Visit

By | May 13, 2021

Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana, VoltaSectorr on the 13th of March organized a Sensitization program for the first-year students of Amedzofe College of Education.

The Program which is to make the newly admitted students aware of the dealings of TTAG was much anticipated by the first years since the SRC had briefed them on TTAG and had also taught the students the TTAG anthem.

The Program began at exactly 2:00 pm with the auditorium full to its capacity. Sector executives who were present were; the President of the Sector, Hon. Christian Dzalhene and the Deputy Secretary, Hon. Ador Marvelous. Other people who made the program successfully were the President of the College, Hon. Agbo Evans and his Cabinet members.
The Program was very educative because the first years were enlightened on the activities
and the history of TTAG. Gifts were awarded to trainees who were able to answer ques-
tions on the presentation.

The Program was finally climaxed with a trip by some of the executives to Mountain Gemi.

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