HTU 2021/2022 Reopening Schedule details

Academic Board under the auspices of the Ho Technical University(HTU), at a Special Meeting held on 27th of August, 2021 wishes to inform the general student body of the revised date for the 2021/2022 academic year.
According to the management, the date has revised from Monday, 6th September 2021 to Monday, 20th September 2021.
All students should take note of these new arrangements and act accordingly.
READ MORE:2021/2022 Akatsi College of Education Admission List, Check Out
HTU 2021/2022 Reopening Schedule
Saturday 18th September, 2021-Students Arrive
Monday, 20th September, 2021-Registration Begins
Monday 20th September, 2021-Lectures begin
The above re-opening arangements apply to Continuing Students (includiarrangementsop-Up Fresh Students)only. The re-opening date for Fresh Students as well as the academic calendar for both coursecontinuing and fresh students shall be announced in due cOurse.