TTAG Three Weeks Ultimatum To Government Ends Today, Check Next Line Of Action
Today 26th, October 2021 Marks exactly the three weeks ultimatum that the leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana, TTAG, gave the government as a matter of urgency to pay all allowance arrears owed trainees.
In an interview with Sky News Gh, the president of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana, Dimbie Abdul Manaf, said that the Association is yet to decide on the next line of action.
“We will inform trainees on latest developments through our Communique” he added.
It will be recalled that the leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana on 5th October 2021 gave the government three weeks ultimatum to pay the six months allowance arrears owed trainees if not, they will advise them.
Update On Feeding Component Of Trainees Allowance
Following the official release from the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission(GTEC) instructing PRINCOF to pay 60% of the feeding component to trainees, the Executives of TTAG have calculated the actual amount that every trainee will receive as a feeding component, Meanwhile, the National Conference Of Principals of Colleges Of Education has also calculated the actual amount that trainees will receive as feeding component which contradicts with that of TTAG.
Skynewsgh.com is currently monitoring the issue at hand and will update trainees as soon as possible.
New: Suggested Formulae for Refund Of Feeding Fee To Teacher Trainees
Official:Check Out Full Amount To Be Refunded To Teacher Trainees On The Feeding Component