UCC Releases Colleges Of Education Level 400 Results Summary
The School Of Educational Development And Outreach, IOE under the auspices of the University Of Cape Coast has officially released the Level 400 Examination Results Summary.
The report contains the performance of all Colleges Of Education affiliated with UCC and the general performance of students in the Core and Elective courses for Level 300 Second Semester.
Read Also;Colleges of Education End of Second Semester Examination Results Released
Generally, the average performance of the candidates was grade B (70.46%). In the core courses, the candidate’s performance was high in EBS 349 (School Management and Administration), in which 8324 (55.646) of the candidates had at least. grade B-. Candidates who scored grade D or D were 424 (2.836). with 08 (0.050) candidates reconding grade E.
The mean and standard deviation (SD) for the paper were B (74.98%) and 7.35 respectively.
The candidates’ performance was low in EBS 348 (Educational Statistics) with 1507 (10.06) of them scoring grade B+ or better. Candidates who scored grade D or Dwere 5505 (36.72% with 888 (5.926) scored grade E. The mean score was grade C (61.81) with a standard deviation (SD) of 9.50.
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