How To Repay Your Student Loan In Ghana
In today’s article, I will provide you with all the steps to repay the student loan that you took to support your tertiary education.
How to Repay Your Student Loan In Ghana using MOMO
•Dial 737*206# on your mobile phone
• Enter Social Security Number
•Enter the amount that you want to pay
•Select option 2 MTN MM Wallet
•Confirm with Pin
•Make Payment
Other Channels to Repay Your Student Loan
Payment can also be made at SLTF Zonal Offices nationwide(Cheque Only)
Ecobank(Use Bank Collect)
GT Bank(Use Customized Pay-In-Slip)
INB(Use Customized Pay-In-Slip)
GCB(Use Smart Pay)
Visit www.myghpay.com to make payment