Sekondi Nursing Training Colleges Admission Forms 2022/2023-Sky News Gh
New:Sekondi Nursing Training Colleges Admission Forms 2022/2023 details for the 2022/2023 academic year.
The Ministry of Health says it will soon open the online application portal for interested applicants who have the desire to join the nursing profession to apply for the 2022/2023 academic year.
When will MOH close the Online application portal?
The Ministry Of Health will close the application for nursing/nurses training admission is around April/May and may be extended to July of 2022. Interested applicants are always advised to confirm the closing date on w the official website of the Ministry of Health (MOH)
Where To Buy Sekondi Nursing Training Colleges Admissions Forms 2022/2023
Sekondi Nursing training Colleges Admission Forms are available for sale at the following financial institutions throughout the country:
•Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) and
•Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) nationwide.
Details On How to Purchase Sekondi Nursing Training Colleges Admission Forms
All prospective nursing applicants are to
Purchase application codes from the following financial institutions:
• Agricultural Development Bank (ADB)
• Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) branch
Cost Of Buying Sekondi Nursing Training Admission Forms
Nursing Training Colleges Forms cost fOne Hundred Ghana cedis (GH¢100.00).
NB: prospective nursing applicants must know that the amount stated above as the cost of purchasing the form comprises of the following: cost of verification of results and SMS alerts
How To Apply For Sekondi Nursing Training College Online
After successful payment for the forms, Application Vouchers will be sent to the applicant’s phone number and an e-mail for your PIN code to access the application form, on the official ministry of health admission portal below:https://healthtraining.gov.gh/
Nursing Training College Selection Interview
All prospective applicants who met the initial admission requirements set by the Ministry Of Health will be shortlisted for the final interview and selection.
Selection interview has become necessary due to numerous applications received every year.
Is the 2022 Nursing Training Schools form out?
Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced that the online admissions portal for application will officially be opened from Monday 17th February 2022 to Saturday 30th May 2022
Is d7 accepted in the nursing training colleges in Ghana?
The Response to the above question is NO.
Generally, Health Training Colleges only accept A1-C6 in three core subject areas namely: English Language, Mathematics, and Integrated Science and passes in any elective subjects.
Cape Coast Nursing Training Colleges Admission Forms 2022/2023-Sky News Gh
Nursing Training Colleges Admission Forms 2022/2023-Sky News Gh