New 2021/2022 Academic Calendar For UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

By | January 27, 2022
New 2021/2022 Academic Calendar For UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

New 2021/2022 Academic Calendar For UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

The Management of the Institute Of Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development has released a new 2021/2022 Academic Calendar for Colleges Of Education affiliated with the University Of Education, Winneba.

New 2021/2022 Academic Calendar For UEW Affiliated Colleges, Of Education

PDF Available For Download At The Bottom


October 4 – November 4 2021
Subject-Based Course Manual a workshop (Level 300) Early Grade, Upper Primary & JHS
ITECPD to organize subject based workshop for tutors – Done

October 28, 2021
ITECPD Professional Advisory Board Sub-committee on Examinations Board meeting to consider Results for 2nd Semester Level100 & 200 Examinations
ITECPD Examination Board – Done

November 4 – 10, 2021
Professional Development Sessions Workshop for HODs, PD Coordinators and Tutors
ITECPD and TTEL to organize

January 8, 2022

January 8, 2022
Level 100 and 300 students reopen for First Semester (2021/2022 Academic Year)

January 10 -21, 2022
January 10 -12, 2022
Registration and Orientation for Levels 100 (2021/2022 Academic Year) Colleges of Education-ITECPD
300 B.Ed. students for First Semester Courses (2021/2022 Academic Year) Colleges of Education

January 12, 2022
Face-to-face Lectures Begin for Levels 100 and 300 Semester 1
Colleges of Education

January 17, 2022
Publication of Results for Level 100 and 200 Second Semester examinations results

January 24-26, 2022
January 24-31, 2022
January 24-31, 2022
Preparation for STS for Level 100 and 300
Matriculation of Level 100 students
Workshop for newly appointed tutors of Colleges Of Education-ITECPD



January 24-31, 2022
January 25, 2022
Visit by Mentoring and Monitoring Team, ITECPD UEW

Beginning of Phase 1 of STS for level 300 students
Colleges of Education

January 27, 2022
Beginning of Phase 1 of STS for level 100 students
Colleges of Education

January 27, 2022
Deadline for payment of B. Ed. Examination fees to the ITECPD, 2020/2021 academic year (Second semester)
Colleges of Education

January 28, 2022
Online Workshop for STS Coordinators ITECPD to organize

January 28, 2022
Assign Subject Based Projects to Level 100 and 300 students (Assessment One)
Colleges of Education

February 4, 2021
Deadline for payment of B. Ed. Examination fees to the ITECPD for levels 100 Colleges of Education and 300 students for 1st semester of 2021/2022

February 7 – 11, 2022
Supplementary/Re-sit Examinations Level 300 (First and second semi-semesterEexaminationze

February 14 – 18, 2022
February 14 – 19, 2022
Mid semester Examination for Level 300 students (Assessment three)

Workshop on Promotion and Research Publication
Colleges of Education

February 18, 2022
Level 300 Students go-down
Colleges of Education


February 20, 2022
Level 200 students reopen for First Semester (2021/2022 Academic Year)
Colleges of Education

February 21 – 23, 2022
Registration of Level 200 students for First Semester Courses (2021/2022
Colleges of End Of semester examination25, 2022
February 23 – 25, 2022
February 24, 2022
Mid semester Examination for Level 100 students (Assessment three)

Face-to-face Lectures Begin for Level 200 Semester 1

Preparation for STS for Level 200 students
Colleges of Education
Colleges of Education
Colleges of Education

March – 7, 2022
Assigning Project Based Assessment for level 200 students (Assessment one) Colleges of Education

March 7-11, 2022
March 11, 2022
Workshop on Promotion and Research Publication

Beginning of STS for Level 200 students
Colleges of Education

March 18, 2022
Deadline for payment of B. Ed. Examination fees to the ITECPD the or levels 200 Colleges of Education students for 1st semester of 2021/2022

March 21, 2022
March 28- April 1, 2022
March 28- April 1, 2022
Deadline for submission of Continuous Assessment for Level 100 students

Mid-semester examination for level 200 students – Assessment 3

Item construction and moderation workshop Level 100 courses
Colleges of Education
Colleges of Education
Colleges of Education-ITECPD

April 2, 2022
Level 200 students go down
Colleges of Education

April 3, 2022
Level 300 students reopen
Colleges of Education


April 4, 2022
Face-to-face Lectures Begin for Level 300 Semester 1
Colleges of Education

April, 11 – 15, 2022
April 16, 2022
End of First Semester Examination for Level 100 students

Level 100 students go down
Colleges of Education

April 17, 2022
Level 200 students report back to campus
Colleges of Educ Collegeevel 200 Semester 1 Colleges of Education

April 18 – 22, 2022
WA conference Promotion and Research Publication

April 25 – 29, 2022
Conference marking of End of first Semester Exams for Levels 100 students ITECPD

May 2, 2022
Deadline for submission of Continuous Assessment for Level 300 students
Colleges of Education

May 2 – 6, 2022
Item construction and moderation workshop Level 300

May 9 – 20, 2022
May 16 – 20, 2022
Visit by Mentoring and Monitoring Team, ITECPD UEW

Item construction and moderation workshop Level 200
ITEFirst-semester date-MONTH-PERIOD

May 23 – 27, 2022
End of First semester examination for L300 students

May 28, 2022
first-semesters go down
Colleges of Education

June 6 – 10, 2022
End of First semester examination for level 200 students

June 11, 2022
Level 200 students go down Colleges of Education A conference

June 13 – 18, 2022
June 20 – 25A conference marking of End of first Semester Exams for Levels L300

Conference marking of End of first Semester Exams for Levels L300

Subject-Based workshop for 2nd Semester courses for 2021/2022
Levels 300 ITECPD

May 29 – Sept 2, 2022
Second Semester Begins for Level 100 stuSampsonolleges of Education

Colleges of Education

Prof. Dandy G. Dampson, PhD
Director, ITECPD

Kindly take note of the following –
•The calendar is a proposition and may change to conform to the exigencies of time.
•Professional AdvisorSecond-semesters are tentative and may change or be confirmed to members.
• Second-semester calendar will be drafted soon
•It is envisaged that affiliated Colleges of Education may have different arrangements and dates for matriculation of fresh students. Such arrangements should be communicated to ITECPD.
•To have records of students to generate Index numbers, a student affiliated Colleges of Education to submit identical and clean student records to ITECPD after matriculation.
•Student records should reach the office of Assessment and Quality Assurance, ITECPD by a date that will be communicated in due course.

Download 2021/2022 Academic Calendar For Colleges Of Education Here

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