List Of best high schools in edinburgh,Check now
If you are looking to move to Edinburgh and have children, you will want to know what schools are available. Below is a list of the best high schools in Edinburgh based on the latest statistics published by the BBC.
George Watson’s College (GWC)
George Watson’s College is a co-educational school in Edinburgh. It has over 1,500 students from ages 3 to 18 and is ranked as the best school in Edinburgh and fifth best school in Scotland.
George Heriot’s School (GHS)
George Heriot’s School (GHS) is a co-educational school for pupils aged 11–18.
GHS is a non-denominational school.
GHS is a non-selective school.
GHS is a private day and boarding school in Edinburgh, Scotland, located at Barnton Road in the south of the city near the A1 road linking Edinburgh with the north of England and London.
James Gillespie’s High School (JGHS) is one of the best high schools in edinburgh
Founded in 1821 by the Edinburgh Association of the Friends of Education, JGHS is one of the top performing schools in Scotland, with a reputation for being both an academic and a sports-focused institution. The school offers scholarships to students who demonstrate excellence in English language, mathematics, science and foreign languages.
The school has an impressive alumni list that includes former prime minister Charles Kennedy; actor James McAvoy; musician Ricky Ross; actors Liz Smith and Billy Boyd; poet Liz Lochhead; writers Alexander McCall Smith and A. L. Kennedy; journalist Kevin McKenna; artist John Bellany (only posthumously); politician Malcolm Bruce (only posthumously).
Edinburgh Academy (EA)
Edinburgh Academy is a co-educational day and boarding school. EA is a member of the prestigious Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC) and the Independent Schools Council (ISC).
The Royal High School (RHS)
The Royal High School (RHS) is a public school in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is one of the oldest schools in Scotland and was founded by King James VI of Scotland as a school for “the sons of barons and lords”. Today, it caters to over 1,000 pupils between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. As a non-denominational school, RHS admits students regardless of faith or creed.
Boroughmuir High School (BHS)
Boroughmuir High School (BHS) is a non-denominational state school located in Edinburgh, Scotland. It serves the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh. The school is built on the site of Bruntsfield House and opened in 1962 as Boroughmuir Secondary School with about 1000 pupils. In 1995 it became an independent school and was renamed Boroughmuir High School; since then it has grown rapidly from an initial intake of 400 students to over 1,500 students from P1-S6 today.
The motto for BHSC is “Lasciate Ogni Speranza Voi Ch’Entrate”. This can be translated as: “Abandon all hope ye who enter here”, which comes from Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, Inferno Canto III verse 9
Last best high schools in Edinburgh is Broughton High School (BHSC)
Broughton High School (BHSC) is a non-denominational, co-educational school with a roll of around 1,000 pupils. It is located in the south-east corner of the city and is one of the largest schools in Scotland.
It provides a broad curriculum which includes modern languages, classics and computing. There are also extensive extracurricular activities including debating, sports teams and music ensembles. The uniform consists of blue blazers with school logo embroidered on pocket; white shirt or polo shirt (long sleeve) or grey sweatshirt (short sleeve); black trousers/skirt; black shoes/flats/trainers depending on conditions; maroon tie with school crest or plain red tie for girls; black hair ribbon for all female pupils in first year.
These are the best high schools in Edinburgh based on the latest statistics.
You may have heard that the best high schools in Edinburgh are based on the latest statistics. But what do these statistics mean?
The latest league tables from the Scottish Funding Council and the Scottish Government show that secondary schools with a higher Attainment 8 score (measuring how well students did across eight subjects) were more likely to rank highly for their overall results. This is why we have included an Attainment 8 score in our ranking system, as well as GCSE grades A*-C (including English & Maths).
The most recent Ofsted report shows that schools with an Outstanding rating are more likely to rank highly for overall results. So, we have also included this rating in our ranking system.
And finally, if you would like to know more about how each high school has performed over time when compared against other local high schools then check out our latest School Inspection Summary analysis which reveals trends such as: whether they offer lots of extra-curricular activities; if they have excellent student attendance rates or if there are any issues regarding bullying or drugs use among pupils at each institution
We hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us below.