Ghana School Of Law Student Portal-gslaw.edu.gh
About Ghana School Of Law Student Portal
The Ghana School of Law students portal is a great resource for students who are looking for information on the Ghana School of Law. The portal provides students with a variety of resources, including a directory of courses, a library of resources, a calendar of events, and a forum for discussion. The portal also allows students to search for other students who are enrolled in the Ghana School of Law.
Categories Of Students Who Can Access GSL Student Portal
Prospective students
First year students in the school
Continuing Students
Uses Of GSL Student Portal
below is the list of specific purposes of GSL Student Portal
Acceptance fee payment;
Downloading your GSL transcript;
Keeping track of the semester academic calendar;
Applying for extra credit hours;
Deferment of Admission, etc
GSL Course Registration;
GSL Fees payment;
Checking your semester result;
Viewing your GSL Admission status and admission letter printing
Access NSS Flair Portal Login 2022/2023-Education Ghana
Kindly visit the Ghana Law School student portal link as given below
.Enter your user ID as a student number and your password as national
when your login is successful, you will be directed to your homepage.
check the Ghana School Of Law Student Portal link below
GSLAW Student Login Portal: https://www.gslaw.edu.gh/
GSLAW Main Website: https://www.gslaw.edu.gh
GSLAW Registrar Email Address: [email protected]
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