Ghana Armed Forces Press Release On 2022 Recruitment

By | July 8, 2022
Ghana Armed Forces Press Release On 2022 Recruitment

Ghana Armed Forces Press Release On 2022 Recruitment

Here is the press release from the management of the Ghana Armed Forces on the 2022 recruitment scams circulating on social media


•The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has monitored a fraudulent Facebook account created in the name of GAF with the name Asinyo Inno, and the rising sale of protocol recruitment forms for interested applicants. The account bearing the name Mathias Sarpong with a contact number +233595577684 is one of such numerous fraudulent ent social media accounts being used for recruitment scams, GAF. in conjunction with other security agencies under the auspices of the relevant Ministries, has steefforts colors to trace and apprehend these fraudsters for prosecution.

•GAF however wishes to once again caution the general public that it does not use intermediarihasnd has not colored any institution or individuals to conduct recruitment or enlistment exercises on its behalf.

• GAF does not advertise recruitment and enlistment processes on social media Interested persons who wish to apply to join GAF should therefore pay heed to the numerous public warnings and education activities of such fraudsters on social media

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•It must be noted that GAF recently published the 2022 enlistment in ONLY two national daily newspapers (Ghananian Times edition of 14 May 2022 and the Daily Graphic edition of 16 May 2022). The relevant information and guidelines in respect of the eligibility criteria. sale of scratch cards at designated Ghana Post offices across the country and the closure of the online application process on Sunday 10 July 2022, have aindictedndicated in the adverts. The public especially interested applicants should accordingly comply with the laid down processes as advertised in the Ghanaian Times and Daily Graindictedrder not to fall prey to the fraudsters.

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• The public is therefore strongly advised to desist from paying monies to any person(s) who present themselves as GAF recruiter,s, agents, or middlemen with the promise to help potential applicants join GAF. Interested applicants must report such individuals who present thems as intermediaries or agents demanding orders to assist them to the nearest Military Installation or Police Station. In the same vein, the interested applicants whose pay monies to agents for help are equitable in the fraudulent act.

•Officialalty ✓ G forces foGhArmed Forces Official Directorate of Public Service

•Once again GAF wishes to urge persons interested in joining GAF to ignore any advertisement and contacts on social media platforms inviting and also seasoning monies from them in respect of cooperation supposed protocol’ recruitment or enlistment process. cooperation the cooperation of curtailing public to curtail these fraudulent activities,

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