TTAG Updates Trainees On Operation Feed yourself In Colleges Of Education
The Leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana, TTAG has updated trainees on the looming unprecedented operation feed yourself in colleges of education.
The National Conference of Principals of Colleges of education in a press release dated 31st October 2022 stated that permission is being sought to ask teacher trainees to feed themselves effective 7th November 2022.
Update from TTAG
The leadership has taken due cognizance of the release from the outfit of the National Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) dated 31st October 2022 referenced PS CoE31/22 on the above subject.
Without mincing words, we, the TTAG would want to state the that, feeding of teacher trainees should continue unabatedly. It is imperative to add that the leadership has fervently, in the past and presently tabled before the actors for and on behaving lf of government as well as other stakeholders on the dire need for an upward review and the consistent release of the feeding fee to the colleges of edu, cation, especially in these times of hikes in prices of food items. We withe sh to appeal to the Ministry of Education and GTEC as well as our other stakeholders to expedite steps in addressing this issue and subsequently the rele, use of funds for the payment of outstanding months of trainees’ allowances.
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Consequently, as a leaderships are willful and ever ready to champion the interest of student teachers, we want to entreat our dear constituents to exercise calm as we actively engage stakeholdtrainees’his for a soothing headway to prevent the obstruction of academic work and subsequently the academic calendar of colleges of education.
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