CETAG To Embark On Strike Action, Check Details
The Leadership of the Colleges Of Education Teachers Association Of Ghana, CETAG, and Colleges Of Education Non-Teaching Staff Association of Ghana, CENTSAG has served notices to the Government of Ghana on their incoming strike action.
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CETAG and CENTSAG in a joint press release dated November 6 2022 and sighted by Sky News Gh have revealed that the two Associations are not happy about the way the government has handled issues affecting the welfare of our members in the 46 colleges of education.
- The leaderships of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) and the Colleges
of Education Non-Teacthe hing Staff Association of Ghana (CENTSAG) wishes to express our displeasure and disappointment at the way Government has handled issues affecting the joint communiquémbers in the 46 colleges of education over the years. - In this regard, we are by this joint-communiqué giving the employer five crucial working days to address the following outstanding concerns of both CETAG and CENTSG: i) Non-finalisation of CETAG’s Conditions of Service (COS) negotiations which started on
14th August, 2021 and has direct implications for CENTSAG’s own Cos. ii) Unilateral determination of April 2023 by the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) as the effective date for placing First Degree Holders of CENTSAG on 17H on the SSSS. iii) Undue delay by the Ministry of Education in response to staff our request for payment of compensation for all-year work to both teaching and non-teaching statt. iv) Deliberate variation of Fuel, Vehicle Maintenance, and Off-Campus allowances of CETAG and CENTSAG members as compared to our counterparts in other analogous institutions in the face of the rising cost of fuel prices in the country. v) Unfair retrospective deductions of office holding allowances paid to some members of CENTSAG and CETAG. - Finally, we want to state unequivocally that by Friday, 11th November 2022 if our demands have not been met, we shall reactivate our indefinite strike actions which we suspended on January 24 and April 14, 2022, respectively.
Thank you.
Mr. Prince Obeng-Himah National President, CETAG
Mr. Frederick Forkuo Yeboah National President, CENTSAG