Salaga T.I Ahmad Senior High School Courses And Details
SALAGA T.I. AHMAD SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Find SALAGA T.I. AHMAD SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL achievement, mission, facilities, courses, location, statistics, category, description, and telephone.
The demand for secondary education has increased as a result of high completion rates at the Junior high School level. In response to this, several new public schools have been provided, whilst facilities in existing schools have been upgraded.
Trends in school placement from the Computer Schools Selection and Placement System (CSSPS)
indicate some disparity in the selection of schools. Students overwhelmingly choose the popular but few traditionally high-performing schools thereby leading to oversubscription of these schools.
Many schools that have significantly improved in recent years remain unknown and undersubscribed.
We believe that this anomaly is partly due to the lack of information available to students and parents.
No. of Students (SHS 1): 509
No. of Students (SHS 2): 720
No. of Students (SHS 3): 667
EMIS Code: 214030002
WAEC Code: 0080303
Classrooms, Library, Science Lab, Computer Lab.
Telephone: 024 466 9267
Email: [email protected]
Location: Salaga
Latitude: 8.562432
Longitude: -0.519636
District: East Gonja
Gender Mixed
Housing status Day & Boarding
Year of Establishment 1971
Name of Head Nurudeen Boateng
Alm-Ul Islam or T. I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School is established under the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission. As
a religious organization, the Mission believes in the promotion of education and spiritual development as an essential component for the total development of humanity. The school believes in the principles of high moral standards and discipline. T. I. Ahmadiyya
Senior High School – Salaga in its 45 years’ history has produced and continues to produce fine gentlemen and ladies in academia.
The vision of this school is to grow into a model Senior High school for the promotion of academic excellence in an environment of high moral standards and discipline.
The mission of the school is to provide Senior High school education with high moral standards and discipline, to the deprived citizens of the Kpembe
Traditional Area, the Northern Region in particular, and the entire Country.
List of courses offered at Salaga T.I Ahmad Senior High School
Salaga T.I Ahmad Senior High School offers six major academic programs namely;
- General Science
- General Arts
- Business
- Visual Arts
- Home Economics
- Agriculture
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