Kukuom Agric Senior High School-Pretertiary Gist
Kukuom Agric Senior High School details. Check Kukuom Agric Senior High School courses, location, achievement, mission, vision, and description.
Housing status
Day and Boarding
Year of Establishment
Name of Head
Moses Adu Kofi
Kukuom Agric Senior High is located at Kukuom in the Asunafo South District of Brong- Ahafo Region. The School is about 72 Kilometres away from Sunyani, the regional capital. The inhabitants are predominantly
cocoa farmers. Established in 1976 as Agric School, the school now offers six academic programs.
The enrolment now stands at almost 1500 students with a teaching population of 60 and Non-teaching of
- The School currently occupies a 240-acre stretch of land on the Goaso-Bibiani truck road.
The institution shall become renowned for high academic and moral standards as well as the development of human potentials in Ghana and beyond.
To produce young boys and girls to pursue further education at the tertiary levels in Science, Agriculture, Business, Arts and Vocational studies,
to help meet the manpower needs of the nation. To prepare and inculcate into the students high moral and academic stands to face the challenges in life.
•General Agriculture
•General Arts
•General Science
•Home Economics
•Visual Arts
No. of Students (SHS 1): 591
No. of Students (SHS 2): 565
No. of Students (SHS 3): 705
EMIS Code: 211020001
WAEC Code: 0061303
24 Classrooms, 6 Staff bungalows, Library, Science Lab, ICT Lab, Dormitory.
¡ National Best Teacher Award (Science and Mathematics category) – 2017
¡ Champions, Brong Ahafo Girls Soccer team – 2017. The girls are also the current
¡ Champions, Zone A and B – till Date.
¡ Disciplined Cadet Corp which continues to win
awards at the Regional level.
Telephone: 024 882 4984 / 020 081 4178
Email: [email protected]
Location: Kukuom
Latitude: 6.692186
Longitude: -2.441149
District: Asunafo South
The demand for secondary education has increased as a result of high completion rates at the Junior high Schoseveraln response to this, several new public schools have been provided, whilst facilities in existing schools have been upgraded.