Salary Of Nurses In Canada
Nursing is a highly respected and crucial profession with significant responsibilities. Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare system and are responsible for providing care and treatment to patients. In Canada, nurses are highly valued, and their salaries reflect the value placed on their work. This article will focus on the type of nurse and the related salaries of nurses in Canada. All these types of nurses to be mentioned fall under three categories of nurses: Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Registered Nurses (RNs), and Nurse Practitioners (NPs).
Nurse’s Aide
The average salary of $19.12 per hour
Nurse’s Aides are Nurses that help doctors, other nurses, and other medical staff with simple tasks such as giving patients their medicines at the right time, ensuring that patients eat, cleaning themselves, changing clothes, checking their vital signs, and recording medical histories.
Travel Nurses
An average salary of $49.42 per hour
Travel Nurses are RNs (Registered nurses), who perform the usual tasks of a nurse depending on the particular health facilities where they are attached. However, as the name suggests, they travel to fill in as temporary placements at hospitals or other healthcare facilities. They are therefore like reserve soldiers; deployed whenever the need arises. This may be during large-scale health crises, or outbreaks of diseases. They played a key role in controlling the recent pandemic; covid-19. Travel Nurses then collaborate with permanently placed nurses at these facilities to ensure that patients get the best care.
Hospice Nurse
An average salary of $37.35 per hour
Hospice Nurses provide care for terminally ill patients. They aim to make the end-of-life process as comfortable as possible for their patients, making sure that they do not suffer, especially from other ailments. Hospice Nurses administer medication, communicate updates to family members, record changes in patient conditions, and consult with doctors.
Home Care Nurse
An average salary of $25.94 per hour
Home Care Nurses provide medical care at the patient’s homes rather than in the hospitals. These nurses typically work without the supervision of a medical doctor but they are often in touch with doctors. Home care nurses mostly manage patients with health conditions that have already been diagnosed. They visit their patients at home on a scheduled basis.
Triage Nurse
An average salary of $46.25 per hour
Triage Nurses are those that quickly and effectively work to determine what type of medical treatment patients require when they get to the hospital. They assess patients; taking their vital signs, going through medical history, and in case of injuries they check the extent of the injuries. All of these are done quickly and professionally. Usually, a Triage Nurse is a registered nurse.
Emergency Room Nurse
An average salary of $38.60 per hour
Emergency Room (ER) nurses are those that work in the heat and frantic conditions of emergency rooms where patients in critical conditions are rushed in for treatment. This could mean patients that have been involved in accidents, and that have broken bones and torn their flesh.
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Sometimes, it could be other kinds of medical emergencies; not associated with physical trauma. The biggest attribute of good emergency room nurses is their calmness in the face of an emergency. ER, nurses work quickly to assess and stabilize patients before they can see a specialist or surgeon.
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Community Nurse
An average salary of $37.71 per hour
Community Nurses work with large groups or communities. In most cases, they are attached to non-government organizations, and their main focus is people that are perceived as marginalized or disenfranchised. In Canada, Community Nurses can work with native populations living in remote locations that are far from the city.
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School Nurse
The average salary of $32.82 per hour
School Nurses work in schools; they take care of children (sometimes teachers too) in school settings. They do so by performing medical assessments of the children they treat. Mostly this is done by taking student temperatures, watching for, and recording symptoms, and administering basic approved medication for common ailments.
School Nurses are the first line of defense against disease outbreaks, they take care of sick children and alert the authorities when outbreaks are about to happen. They work in sick bays or the school infirmary.
Public Health Nurse
The average salary of $41.38 per hour
Public Health Nurses are very similar to Community Nurses; they work to identify diseases among populations and they combat these diseases with tests, medications, and vaccines. They may have to travel from place to place under instruction from the government to combat disease outbreaks wherever they may have been noticed.
- Occupational Health Nurses
The average salary of $37.42 per hour
Occupational Health Nurses are experts in the field of treating injuries that may be frequent within certain occupations. A common example is football (soccer) in which players may frequently injure themselves on their shins, calves, and ankles. Having treated hundreds of such cases, Occupational Health Nurses know what to expect once they have seen the injuries.
Occupational Health Nurses may work in diverse fields, but the thing they have in common is expertise with the common injuries at their places of work. Occupational health nurses sometimes work with safety managers; the goal being to prevent unnecessary injuries or to ensure that injuries are treated promptly.
In Canada, nurses are in high demand, and the demand is expected to grow over the next few years. With an aging population and an increasing need for healthcare services, there will be a need for more nurses in the future. The above types of nurses are not the full list of nurses. In conclusion, nurses in Canada are highly valued and well-paid, and as the demand for healthcare services grows, the demand for nurses will continue to increase.