Assessment in Basic Schools past questions for Colleges of Education

By | March 26, 2021
  1. Which of the following statements about measurement and assessment is true?
    a. Measurement is continuous but assessment is than at the end of instruction
    b. Measurement involves the people but assessment is than by the teacher only
    c. Measurement involves figures only and assessment involves words only
    d. Measurement provides data for assessment
  2. Which of the following definitions is not most suitable for a test?
    a. A list of written questions
    b. A device used by teachers and others to ascertain a person’s achievement
    c. A set of questions used to find out the level of learning that has been achieved by a person
    d. A systematic method of gathering data for the purpose of making intra- or inter individual
  3. Which of the following statements is most appropriate for evaluation?
    a. The act of finding out the quality of a curriculum or programme
    b. It is the general process of making judgments and decisions
    c. A means of determining the consistency of a learner’s performance
    d. A situation where performance is constantly measured and assessed
  4. Which of the following statements best defines formative evaluation?
    a. It involves a series of tests that are conducted at the end of a topic
    b. The type of evaluation that is used to form an opinion about the attitude of pupils.
    c. It is used to gather information about a pupil along the way
    d. It involves monitoring the quality of tests administered to pupils so as to improve them
  5. Which of the following statements best defines summative evaluation?
    a. It involves putting together all the evaluations made on a pupil
    b. It is used for terminal judgment of worth or appropriateness.
    c. It is evaluation that is designed to find out the quality of teaching
    d. It is an evaluation of the process rather than the product of teaching
  6. Modern assessment is based on two approaches. These are………………………… approaches.
    a. criterion- referenced and norm- referenced b. process and product
    c. direct and indirect assessment d. internal and external
  7. Which of the following concepts can be defined as a statement of desired change in pupils
    behavior, knowledge or affect?
    a. Earning b. Achievement c. Educational objective d. All of the above
  8. Bloom (1956) proposed a taxonomy of objectives. List the hierarchy of cognitive objectives he
    proposed from the lowest (a) to the highest (f).
    a. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    b. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    c. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    d. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    e. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    f. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
  9. State three characteristics that a good instructional objective must possess.
    a. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    b. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    c. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
    10.When a test specifically measures what was learned by the pupil, it is said to be
    a. consistency b. reliable c. valid d. a precision instrument
    11.When a test produces consistent results whenever it is used, it is said to be………….
    a. consistence b. reliable c. valid d. a precision instrument
    12.One way to get a balanced assessment of topics you teach is to design a table showing the number
    of test items needed for each topic. What is the name of this table?
    a. Table of assessment b. Operational matrix
    c. Item analysis table d. Table of specifications
    13.In a multiple choice test item, the statement that poses the question is known as……………..
    a. the stem b. the base c. the premix d. the case
    14.In a multiple choice objective item, the optional answers provided after the question are known as…
    a. choices b. deciders c. answers d. alternatives
    15.In a multiple choice test item, there is always one best answer and some incorrect answers. The
    incorrect answers are referred to as…………………………
    a. spillovers b. distracters c. deviators d. wrong options
    16.The form of objective questions where pupils are expected to provide their own answers instead of
    selecting from a list are called items.
    a. answering b. supply c. filling-in d. written
  10. The process of monitoring pupils progress to find out how they can be helped to learn better is
    a. diagnosis b. evaluation c. guidance d. prediction
  11. One difference between criterion- referenced tests and norm- referenced tests is that norm￾referenced test use…………………………….
    a. absolute standards b. classroom test standards
    c. raw standards d. relative standards
  12. The part of the education of an individual which is concerned with emotions and attitudes is
    referred to as the…………………………………………….domain.
    a. aesthetic b. affective c. cognitive d. psychomotor
  13. At which point in curriculum implementation should test items be designed?
    a. After content delivery b. After statement of objectives
    c. At the evaluation stage d. Halfway through the content.
  14. When a teacher writes a lesson objectives requiring pupils to summarize what has been taught in
    their own words, what category of learning will you put this under?
    a. Analysis b. Application c. Comprehension d. Knowledge
  15. Which domain of educational objectives do the following classifications refer to?
    Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organization.
    a. Affective domain b. Cognitive domain
    c. Psychomotor domain d. None of the above
    24 Testing in which attainment is measured in terms of specific levels of mastery is known as…………
    a. criterion- referencing b. norm- referencing
    c. post- testing d. pre- testing
  16. Which of the following factors should we consider most when we are writing lesson objectives?
    a. Content of what we are going to teach b. Form or structure of the statement we write
    c. Length of the statement of objectives d. Relevance of what we intend to teach
  17. Which of the following question statements will be the best as an objective test item?
    a. Kwame Nkrumah was……………………………………………………
    b. The first president of Ghana was………………………………………..
    c. The name of the first president of Ghana was…………………………..

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