List Of Private high schools in Pretoria, Check Now
Check Private high schools in Pretoria. Here is the full list of all accredited private schools in Pretoria and their requirements, fees, contacts address, courses offered, admission lists, and other details.
Private schools are also known as independent schools. They are well-organized institutions that aim to set a worldwide standard for learners when admitted under their jurisdiction for educational, co-curricular activities, and any other activity that can boost the learners and shape them ahead of self-development and life in general including national interest and support to the natientrepreneursctual, behavior, entrepreneurs inclusive.
Read below on the list of some private schools in Pretoria, South Africa
- Hatfield Christian School (1985)
Just as the school’s name is ‘Christian’, their ways are more geared towards Christian education and the way of life in Pretoria.
The private /or independent school called Hatfield Christian School belongs to the Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria, Soustartica. The Grades they teach start from R-12.
Hatfield Christian Church’s mastermind behind the establishment of the school is to grow individuals in the way of Christ or Christianity.
The school has educational facilities that contain over 1,000 pupils with a controllable and serene environment.
At Hatfield Christian School, their structures are well built to suit each grade including their teaching and learning materials.
For further inquiries, contact
Email: [email protected]
School address: 551 January Masilela Drive Waterkloof Glen
Website: Hatfield all-boys
- Michaelhouse is an all-boys gender private school in Pretoria that was founded long ago in 1896. Their academic structure is well scheduled to cater to the demands of all types of learners.
The Grade in Michaelhouse School starts from 8-to 12. Their academic success is hinged on appropriate approach usage of teaching and learning materials adequately.
The school is located in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands in the railroad town of Balgowan.
Graduates from Michaelhouse are well known for achievineater feats after completing the school with automatic distinction.
Each year, students from all Grades starting from 8 to 12 attain a higher height for both the school, individual, and the nation at large.
For further inquiries, contact
Email: [email protected]
School address: Private Bag X1, Balgowan, KwaZulu-Natal, 3275
- St. Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls.
In the year 1879 right from the hearts of Pretoria city in South Africa comes the birth of all-girls established St. Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls. The school is mainly for girls as the name suggests above.
The school is a fee-paying institution that takes between R126900 to R13800 depending on the grade of the learners per annum.
St. Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls has over 1,000 population under their watch
St Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls has all the 12 Grades which means that wards will be trained as successful women with many integrity elements in them.
For further inquiries, contact
Email: [email protected]
Call: +27123660501 / +27123660500
School address: Duxbury Rd, Hillcrest, Pretoria
Visit website: stories.PTA.school.za
- Brooklyn Primary School, Pretoria
Brooklyn Primary School, based in Pretoria, South Africa is an independent primary school that admits both genders for their education and care.
The co-educational institution has Grades starting right from Early childhood to Grade 7.
Brooklyn Primary School’s curriculum supports extracurricular activities in addition to purely academic studies. Some of the extracurricular activities are drama, sports music, and an art exhibition, among other relevant activities that can build and shape the potential of learners ahead of their plans.
On a ranking scale, Brooklyn Primary School is ranked first among its allies in the private school sector in Pretoria due to its massive academic performance at the end of every term.
For further inquiries, contact
Email: [email protected]
Call: +27124603238
School address: 279 Murray St. Brooklyn, Pretoria
Visit website: Brooklyn primary.co.za
Amberfield College
The school is an independent /or private school situated at Amampondo Street, Rooihuiskraal North, Centurion. The school falls under the administration of Royal Schools in South Africa.
The school is a co-educational gender institution that has Grades from scratch to Grade 12. All Grades at Amberfield College have the required teachers who are well versed with the ultimate potential to handle learners with dedication and much attention.
Their classrooms are well furnished with all needed educational facilities. A class with its internet connection, projector for studies, and laptops for use when the demands arise.
With records on the accumulated academic success, Amberfield College is the best among others. Their students are industrious and dedicated to working for their future hence, conforming to the school’s laid down rules and regulations.
For further inquiries, contact
Email: info@amberfield college.co.za
Call: 0125343344
School address: 4810 Amampondo Street, Rooihuiskraal North X 46, Centurion
Visit the website amber fielded college.co.za
List Of High schools in Pretoria, Check Now