List Of Top High schools in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, Check Details
Check of Top High schools in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, and their admission requirements, history, location, contact address, and other details.
Newmarket is a home of quality teachers that train and shape/or polish talents children have including remodeling and positioning them according to the current wave of skills and required job fitting cardinals.
The town of Newmarket was in existence years back in the 1660s, situated in the Province of Ontario, Canada. It is also the regional seat for its Municipality, York.
Education in Ontario started far in the 18th centuwhenere formal education was provided by local churches and trade associations. The focus of their actions was to train the younger ones in job-related skills.
How much are school fees in Newmarket?
Learners in the public schools in Canada attend school at no cost. It’s free. Fees are not paid for any learner to get the best quality education. Children are to attend school free to the age of 18. Each Province has their limit on free education.
List of Top High Schools in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
- Newmarket High School is located at 213 South Main Street, Newmarket, NH, 03357. The school is a Junior High and High School combined with a 9:1 teacher ratio.
- St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic High School. The school has both Junior and High schools at 278 Wellington Street E, Aurora.
- School of Rock Markham est. in 1998 is a Performing Arts, Musical Instruments and Teachers and Speciality Schools that focuses solely on their status, unlike others that are purely academic or bookish. They are located at 150 Bullock Drive, Markham, ON L3P 1W2
- Huron Heights Secondary School. A Junior High and High School are located at Huron Heights Drive, Newmarket.
- Dr. John M Denison Secondary School. Established as a Junior High and High School located at 135 Bristol Road, Newmarket.
- St. Andrew’s College. A Junior High and High School at 15800 Yonge Street, Aurora.
- Aurora Montessori School. It has Elementary schools, Junior and High schools at 330 Industrial Parkway N, Aurora.
- Dr. G.W Williams High School. A Junior High and High School at 39 Dunning Avenue, Aurora.
- Rick Hansen Public School. It has Elementary schools, Junior and High schools at 490 Mavrinac Blvd, Aurora.
- Newmarket and District Christian Academy. It has Elementary schools, Junior and High schools at 221 Carlson Drive, Newmarket.