Teacher Trainees To Miss End Of Semester Exams If Govt fails To Release Allowances
The Report gathered from 3News.com has indicated that the fate of about 10,000 teacher trainees in government-accredited Colleges of Education across the country in writing their end-of-semester examination would be in jeopardy if the government Of Ghana does not release their allowances.
Teacher Trainees Allowance To Drop This Week
Mr. Jonathan Dzunu, the President of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana announced this to 3FM’s Sunrise Radio on Tuesday.
According to the President Of TTAG, the Majority of the trainees depend solely on the allowances to pay their examination fees, and three weeks after the examination, the allowances have not been released.
Teacher Trainees Allowance In Arrears To Be Paid Soon
“Some of us depend on this to pay our examination fees and some of the level 300 are writing the exams in the next three weeks. Currently, we are writing our mid-semester exams and we need to pay our examination fees” Mr. Jonathan Dzunu Further stated
Release Of GHS67 Million To Colleges Of Education
The Minister Of Education during a press briefing held last week announced the release of GHS67 million to Public Colleges of Education across the country to cater for the feeding of trainees.
The announcement by Minister comes after the National Conference Of Principals of the various Colleges of Education announced that teacher trainees would be fed twice instead of the three square meals a day due to the inability of the government to pay the six-month feeding arrears owed them.
PRINCOf also announced that trainees teachers were going to start feeding themselves effective May 8, 2022, if the government fails to pay the feeding grant.
Payment Teacher Trainees
Five days after the release of the fund to Colleges Of Education, portions meant for the trainees have still not hit their accounts but that of the Principals of the various Colleges of Education have been given.
Mr. Dzunu told Sunrise host, Alfred Ocansey that “the GHS200 which is meant for the trainees has not been given”.
|Teacher Trainees To Miss End Of Semester Exams If Govt fails To Release Allowances|
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