Withdraw new semester system immediately-Teacher Unions To GES
Three Teacher Unions namely Coalition Of Concerned Teachers-GH (CCT-GH), Ghana National Association Of Teachers(GNAT), and the National Association Of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) have urged the Ghana Education Service (GES) to immediately halt plans to introduce a semester system.
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In an interview with GHOneTV on Monday, The President of CCT-GH, King Ali Awudu said that because the unions were not consulted before the announcement of the new system, they cannot be bound by it.
According to Mr. King Ali Awudu, the teacher unions have not be given any documents before the implementation of the new semester system.
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“ Most stakeholders in basic education, have not been consulted on any policy involving the permanent conversion of the trimester to the semester. What we do know is that the trimester was implemented as a stop-gap measure for students who were lost as a result of COVID-19″.

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