Catholic and Anglican students union of Akrotco Commemorate the death and suffering of Jesus on campus

By | May 13, 2021

As it is widely known, Easter is one of the apex and valuable celebrations amidst the Christian religion. It signifies the death, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this period, Christians undergo series of events to recall the pain Jesus endured. This year, the Faster celebration was especially celebrated despite the threat of covid-19.

On the streets of Akrokerri College of Education, Christ the King Parish-Akrotco Chapter-sang and observed all the fourteen stages of lamentations. This was on Friday-April 2, 2021. TWJ approached the Church President to inquire about their intent.
He concluded by saying that, the procession on the streets signified the stages of suffering Jesus endured, hence members of the church observing the activity were simply recalling the suffering Jesus went through.

Angelo Opoku Elijah who couples as the Dean of Students of the college emphatically stated that God Friday is one of the greatest days in the Catholic calendar which needs to be observed as such, this is because the death of Jesus brought salvation. Ile advised members to live their lives based on their conscienceeeeee and not to dance to the tone of humans’ demands. This assertion was raised due to the reaction f Pontius Pilate who judges base on the forces of the Jews.

He concluded by urging members of the parish to abide by the words of the scripture to make Jesus’ death relevant.
Unfortunately due to the Covid 19 restriction, the fest could not hold on to its normal routine. The Holy mass was shortened not to valuate the two hours.

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