Check out the Characteristics of formal Organization

By | May 23, 2021

It has an organizational structure based on a hierarchy of authority; that is a system of graded authority whereby each lower voice is under the control and supervision of a higher one. In such a structure, compliance with rules and regulations is not left to chance. It is systematically checked and reinforced. For example, the line and staff structure of a schodescribebes the authority structure of the school with the headmaster, teachers, and students.

The expected roles or behavior of members i. e. positions and status or job description are clearly defined.

It is often characterized by impersonal relationships. Members are expected to conduct their duties with a sense of personal detachment to minimize favoritism and enforce discipline. Officials are expected to assume an impersonal orientation in their contact with clients and with other officials. Officials are expected to disregard all personal considerations and to maintain complete emotional detachment. In the same vein subordinates in the organization are to relate to their bosses in an impersonal manner. An employee in a formal organization is expected to make decisions based on facts and not on feelings. In a school situation, for example, matters between tutors and their superordinates are to be dealt with officially. This is equally appropriate to the relationship between students and their tutors. This minimizes favoritism, nepotism, discrimination and enforces discipline.

The life of a formal organization is longer than that of the actors in it. There is some degree of permanency. For example, as members come and leave the school/organization, it continues to exist and perform its functions.

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Formal organizations have specific objectives or goals that it wants to achieve. These goals may be profit-oriented or non-profit-oriented. It may be established to make a profit, e.g. industries, hotels. Others are set up to provide services to people. Examples are schools, hospitals. It is said that he who starts a journey without knowing where he is going never ends the journey.

There are well-defined channels of communication. This is about how information flows in the organization. In the school setting, the head receives directives from the District Director of Education and passes them on to the teachers who in turn pass the information on to the children and vice versa.

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