UCC Releases Off-Campus Teaching Practice 2022 Manual For Colleges Of Education

By | December 15, 2021
UCC Releases Off-Campus Teaching Practice 2022 Manual For Colleges Of Education

UCC Releases Off-Campus Teaching Practice 2022 Manual For Colleges Of Education

The Institute Of Education under the auspices of the University of Cape Coast has released the 2022 Off-Campus Teaching Practice Manual for colleges of Education.

Vital information from the Off-Campus Teaching Practice Manual 2022

  1. Period for the exercise: January 18-March 15, 2022
    2 Visits by University and Cooperating Supervisors: From February 1, 2022
  2. Required teaching periods per week:
    Primary schools: 12-18 periods
    Junior high schools: 8-12 periods
  3. Minimum supervision by University Supervisors:1 three supenvisonsby at least 2 supervisors (2 cooperating supervisors and 1 university supervisor)

Be regular and punctual at school
Remain in school till the end of the school session whether you have
teaching period or not Don’t absent yourself or leave the school without permission from the appropriate school authority

NOTE: Absence without permission at a time of supervision visit will attract zero scores for that supervisor.

Download The Full Document Here

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