UDS Grading system and how to calculate GPA -Tertiary Gist
UDS released the mathematical works on how they grade and calculate their GPA.
They have well designed grading system which aid them to grade students’ performance in every semester’s examination.
About University Of Development Studies
The University of Development (UDS) situated in the Northern region of Ghana was established by the government of Ghana in the year 1992. It was established with the view of accelerating development in the former three northern regions (Northern, Upper East, Upper West) of Ghana.
It has since gain maximum recognition in the country and one of the top universities in the country as of 2022.
The university has designed its own grading system and may in one way or the other differ from others or may have some similarities.
Are you searching for how to calculate GPA in UDS? Your answers are right here [READ]
UDS Grading System
The grading system of UDS as of 2021/2022 is as follows:
The university uses Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
Mark, Grades, Credit Value, Interpretation
80-100, A, 4.0, Excellent
75-79, B+, 3.5, Very Good
70-74, B, 3.0, Good
65-69, C+, 2.5, Very Fair
60-64, C, 2.0, Fair
55-59, D+, 1.5, Satisfactory
50-54, D, 1.0, Barely Satisfactory
0-49, E, 0, Unsatisfactory
-, X, -, Absent
Note: In UDS, from grade A to D are pass grades while grade E is a failure grade.
UDS Degree classification
Classification of the awards using the CGPA for the diploma program is as follows:
CGPA of;
3.5-4.0 is Distinction
2.5-3.49 is Credit
1.0-2.49 is Pass
CGPA less than 1.0 is Fail
Classification of classes for the BA programme using the CGPA
Classification of classes for the BA programme using the CGPA is as follows:
First Class is for a CGPA between 3.5 – 4.00
Second Class (Upper Division) is for a CGPA between 3.0 – 3.49
Second Class (Lower Division) is for a CGPA between 2.5 – 2.99
Third Class is for a CGPA between 2.0 – 2.49
Pass is for a CGPA between 1.1 – 1.99
Fail is for a CGPA less than 1.0
In calculating the GPA in UDS, the Grade Point is divided by the Total Credit Hours.
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