Is College of education 2022/2023 admission list out?
The 2022/2023 admission list across all the accredited 46 Colleges of Education in Ghana has been scheduled to wait for an official communiqué to pass.
Is College of education 2022/2023 admission list out?
The college of education 2022/2023 admission list will be released after engagement with stakeholders such as Principals of the Colleges of Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), and other relevant institutions in the country.
Universities that accept D7 for Admission In Ghana 2022/2023Is D7 Accepted In Ada College Of Education?
Before the official communiqué’s release, the National Conference of Principals of College of Education will publish their schedule list about the admissions and its related activities for the 2022/2023 admission year which will be followed judiciously.
Admission Schedule 2022/2023
- By October 31st, 2022, all admissions will meet their deadline for the 2022/2023 academic year
- The full academic year (2022/2023) will commence next year, 2023 (the tentative schedules will be published).
Keep on checking for new updates every day!!!
All applicants are entreated to prepare adequately for the payment of their admission fees when they are published in the due to.
When the admission lists are released, kindly check status of our site for guidelines on how to follow instructions without any errors.
Take note: Some serial callers serve as middlemen during the admission era. Do not hand over your fees to such persons under the pretense of “we know a big man” who can speed up the process at the bank.
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