List Of Ranks In Ghana National Fire Service

By | August 18, 2022
List Of Ranks In Ghana National Fire Service

List Of Ranks In Ghana National Fire Service


The Ghana National Fire Service is the government-approved agency mandated to protect life and property during an event of fire engulfing an area. GNFS responds to emergency events. They also prprotecteople and rescue them from events that happen in road traffic collisions in the country.

Ranks in the GNFS


Ghana National Fire Service has two groups of ranks namely the Junior and Senior Officer ranks. Each group rank has a further breakdown of its constitutes.

The Junior Officer Ranks of GNFS.

Starting from the least rank to the highest rank among the Juniors.

  1. Recruit Fireman (RFM) / Recruit Firewomam (RFW)
  2. Fireman (FM) / Firewomam (FW)
  3. Senior Fireman (SFM) / Senior Firewoman (SFW)
  4. Leading Fireman (LFM) / Leading Firewoman (LFW)
  5. Subordinate Officer ( SUB/O) / Assistant Group Officer (AGO)
  6. (Go li) Assistant Station Officer (ASO) / Deputy Group Officer (DGO)
  7. Station Officer Grade Two (STN/Oii) / Group Officer Grade Two
  8. Station Officer Grade One (STN/Oi) / Group Officer Grade One (GO I)

Senior Officer Ranks In GNFS

Starting from the least rank to the highest rank among the Seniors.

  1. Cadet Officer (CO) *It is the training that elevates you to become a Senior Officer at the Fire Academy And Training School (FATS).
  2. Assistant Divisional Officer Grade One (ADO i)
  3. Assistant Divisional Officer Grade Two (ADO ii)
  4. Divisional Officer Grade Three (DO iii)
  5. Divisional Officer Grade Two (DO ii)
  6. Divisional Officer Grade One (DO i)
  7. Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO)
  8. Deputy Chief Fire Officer (DCFO)
  9. Chief Fire Officer (CFO)

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