Colleges Of Education Teachers Resume Suspended Strike Action

By | January 2, 2023
Colleges Of Education Teachers Declared Another Strike Over Unpaid Allowances

Colleges Of Education Teachers Resume Suspended Strike Action

The Leadership of the Colleges Of Education Teachers Association of Ghana, CETAG has resumed their suspended industrial strike action after the Minister Of Education, Dr. Osei Adutwum failed to honor his promise.

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Resumption of suspended strike action by CETAG

Dated: 2nd January 2023

  1. Per the decision taken by the rank and file to suspend our strike action to allow the Hon. Minister of Education to address all the outstanding concerns of CETAG within two weeks, the National Council wishes to notify all members that the Hon. Minister was unable to honor his pledge within the two weeks as signed in the communique on 16th December 2022 so all members in the 46 Colleges of Education across the country should resume the strike action effective tomorrow Tuesday, 3rd January 2023.
  2. Council wishes to admonish all members to adhere to this decision which we all took on the 14th of December 2022 when we decided to suspend our strike action for two weeks.
  3. Members should know that we can only be treated better by the employer if we all remain united and fight for our deserved Conditions of Service (CoS) which expired in 2020.
  4. Finally, Council wants to inform members that CETAG has been patient with the employer for far too long, and as such we could no longer entertain further feet-dragging over our CoS which expired in 2020.
  5. Conclusively, Council wishes to reiterate that members shall only call off this strike action after the FWSC has received the mandate on our remaining generic allowances and the effective date and invited leaders to sign off the MoA on the 2021 CoS.

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