TTAG Released 2023 Approved Fees For Colleges Of Education
Here are the approved fees for the 2022/2023 academic year released by TTAG.
The Leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana, TTAG after consultation with relevant stakeholders in teacher education has announced the approved 2022/2023 academic year fees for Colleges of Education.
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Receive warm felicitations from the National Secretariat of the Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana. We would like to briefly update all our constituents on some issues of concern within our fraternity.
It is yet another season of the year to fulfill the constitutional mandate of the association on hosting an annual delegates’ congress which concerns itself with pertinent issues in the teacher training fraternity as well as electing a new crop of leaders both at the Sectors and National front to steer the affairs of the association to keep it on a desired pedestal.
Instead of that, the National Executive Council in its recent meeting passed a resolution that this year’s national delegates congress be held from 7th – 10th February 2023 at the Western & Central (WEC) administrative sector of the association.
All other important details of the event shall be communicated to the delegates and the general public in the coming days. Hence, we urge all and sundry to keep monitoring our social media handles and spaces.
The leadership has made notices of the fee charges for the 2023/24 academic year released by the Managements of most of the Colleges of Education which affirms the series of concerns and outcries of trainees on a major increment affected.
We understand the frustration this might pose on trainees and subsequently on their guardians since the economic conditions of our country do not spare the former nor the latter. Moreover, we take cognizance of the dreaded living most trainees are experiencing due to their inability to settle their fees which have caused some to defer their courses and others to drop out of college.
Approved Fees For Colleges Of Education
Forthwith, we ask that the fees to be paid as academic year fees should conform with the 15% threshold increment approved by the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education together with the other stakeholders. In furtherance, we would want to caution all SRCS to stay away from negotiating unapproved fees with College Management and surcharging students.
See below the approved fees for the 2022/23 academic year.
LEVEL 100- GHC2,991.50
LEVEL 200 -GHC1,645.91
LEVEL 300 -GHC1,407.31
LEVEL 400-GHC1.148.68
Student teachers should be guided by these figures in the payment of the academic year fees.
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