Update On Base Pay Increment Today For Government Workers

By | January 12, 2023
Update On Base Pay Increment Today For Government Workers

Update On Base Pay Increment Today For Government Workers

Here is the latest update on Base Pay Increment Today For Government Workers.

The meeting with the government team and Organised Labour on Base Pay negotiations have been attended again on 11th January 2023.

At the meeting on 11th January 2023, the proposal by the government team was not accepted due to a low percentage.

The government still holds on to the 20% they proposed from the previous meeting, 10th January 2023.

After several discussions on the table, the government team now raised their percentage to 25%.

On the side of Organised Labour, they gave a cut-off rate of 35%.

The cut-off rate given by Organised Labour was not accepted by the government team. It was lessened to 30% instead.

At this point, the meeting was adjourned to 12th January 2023. But as it stands, the government team has not decided on the reduced 30%.

The meeting came to an end on 20% and 50% proposals from both sides, the government team and Organised Labour respectively.

Another meeting will be attended on 12th January 2023 for the final acceptance/determination including any other related unfolding issue.

Earlier Negotiations, first negotiations in 2023

On the 10th day of January 2023 which was the 8th meeting with the government on Base Pay increment, the negotiations ended on an incomplete note.

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At the meeting, the government team raised their former 18% proposal to 20% but Organised Labour rejected their proposal.

Organized Labour then reduced their initial proposed 60% to 58% on the grounds of achieving a good acceptance and freely bringing to a halt the government’s low rate of adding to their percentage proposal.

List Of Precious Base Pay Increment

Over the years in history, government delays the quest of Organised and finally agrees on a low Base Pay. From the year 2011 – 2019, the government team always propose lower Base Pay at a lower margin.

In the year 2011, Base Pay was increased to 20%, in 2012 (18%), 2013 (10%), 2015 (13%), 2016 (10%), 2017 (12.5%), 2018 (11%), and 2019 (10%).

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