Swedru Senior High School Courses and Details
Check Swedru Senior High School details. On this page, you will see Swedru Senior High School courses, achievement, vision, mission, facilities, telephone, and location
The demand for secondary education has increased as a result of high completion rates at the Junior high School level. In response to this, several new public schools have been provided, whilst facilities in existing schools have been upgraded.
Trends in school placement from the Computer Schools Selection and Placement System (CSSPS)
indicate some disparity in the selection of schools. Students overwhelmingly choose the popular but few traditionally high-performing schools thereby leading to oversubscription of these schools.
Many schools that have significantly improved in recent years remain unknown and undersubscribed.
We believe that this anomaly is partly due to the lack of information available to students and parents.
No. of Students (SHS 1): 1644
No. of Students (SHS 2): 1233
No. of Students (SHS 3): 902
EMIS Code: 203140004
WAEC Code: 0030905
6 Classroom Blocks, 3 Science Labs, 2 ICT Labs
• Quarter finalist in the 2016 National Science and Maths Quiz.
• Placed third in the 2016 inter-schools and colleges athletics competition.
Housing status
Day & Boarding
Year of Establishment
Name of HeadWESCO Andam
SWESCO is the first Ghana Educational Trust (GET) School established by the fir.st, President Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah in 1959. The school is located on the Swedru-Bawjiase highway in Swedru.
A Senior High school of excellence in the provision of quality education.
To provide a quality education through learning in a conducive social and physical environment and
inculcate in our students, values that engender good moral character, integrity and empower them to be responsible citizens after school working in
partnership with all stakeholders.
List of courses offered at Swedru Senior High School
Home Economics
Visual Arts
General Arts
General Science
Telephone: 0244513401
Email: [email protected]
Location: Swedru
Latitude: 5.541549
Longitude: -0.672277
District: Agona East
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