Operation Feed Yourself Begins In Colleges Of Education
A massive operation feed yourself has hit all forty-six (46) Colleges of Education in the country.
The Conference of Principals of College of Education (PRINCOF) asked the government to permit all the Colleges of Education to allow trainees to fend for themselves starting at November 7, 2022, but interventions canceled their request.
PRINCOF’s reason for the permission was about the skyrocketing foodstuff on the market.
The food suppliers working with the Colleges of Education (CoE) on the other hand also refused to supply foodstuff to their loyal customers because they were not able to clear their debt accumulated for some time now.
Colleges of Education feed Teacher Trainees at a daily cost of Gh¢6.50 per head. Due to the current waves and hike in prices of all food items, it has become very difficult for PRINCOF to feed Trainees as expected of them.
Operation feed yourself will (would) be the way forward since the government has not released the due cash for the operation of CoEs PRINCOF will surely declare an “Operation feed yourself” in all the forty-six (46) Colleges of Education in the country.
In the news dated November 7, 2022, PRINCOF disclosed that “Prices of all food items have shot up astronomically, and food suppliers have refused to supply any food items to Colleges because of the indebtedness of Colleges to these suppliers.”
The hike in prices has affected the feeding of trainees. The inability of PRINCOF to feed trainees will danger their academic work and success.
The reactivation of CETAG and CENTSAG’s indefinite strike also necessitated the call for “Operation feed yourself” because the feeding of Teacher Trainees is also the duty of CENTSAG.
Since CENTSAG has declared an indefinite strike for its members, Colleges of Education (CoE) has no other option but to declare the operation.
Earlier, the Colleges of Education Teachers Association (CETAG) and Colleges of Education Non-Teaching Association of Ghana (CENTSAG) ireleasedease reactivated their suspended indefinite industrial actions.
In the release, signed by
Mr. Prince Obeng-Himah National President, of CETAG, and Mr. Frederick Forkuo Yeboah National President, of CENTSAG listed some reasons for their decision to reactivate their indefinite strike which will commence tomorrow Monday 14th November for both associations is mentioned.
CETAG and CENTSAG Declare Indefinite Strike
Update On Payment Of Teacher Trainees Allowance November 2022
According to the communiqué released, CETAG and CENTSAG disclosed that the decision to withdraw their services indefinitely is a result of the following:
“1. Failure of the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) to make available to CETAG and CENTSAG a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which captures what the parties mutually agreed on at the end of our negotiations for us to study before proceeding to sign off.
- Unilateral variation of the effective date of CETAG’s 2021 Conditions of Service (COS) by FWSC from 1 January 2022 to 1″ January 2023 contrary to the Rules of Engagement for the negotiations.
- Unilateral determination of April 2023 by the FWSC as the effective date for placing First Degree Holders of CENTSAG on 17H on the SSSS contrary to the Rules of Engagement for the negotiations.
- Undue delay of the Ministry of Education to approve the payment of compensation for the all-year-round work to a staff of the colleges of education.
- Unfair retrospective deduction of office holding allowances paid to some members of CENTSAG and CETAG by the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department (CAGD).
- Deliberate variation of Fuel, Vehicle Maintenance, and Off-Campus allowances of CETAG and CENTSAG members as compared to our counterparts in other analogous institutions in the face of the rising cost of fuel prices in the country.
The National Councils of CETAG and CENTSAG wish to use this communiqué to entreat all members, except the colleges’ security department, to comply with the decision to withdraw our services indefinitely until the employer has unconditionally addressed all our concerns regarding CoS, the effective date for placing First Degree Holders, retrospective deductions, variation of fuel, vehicle maintenance and off- campus allowance as well as compensation for the all-year-round work.”