Effective instruction in mathematics

By | April 22, 2021

Good teachers frequently make decisions on the most appropriate mathematics task to pose to students, based on students’ past experiences. They have to make good decisions as to when to intervene when students are
struggling with the task so that students do not get frustrated and discouraged to work on.

Constructivist teachers often consider the following in teaching mathematics.

1) Students construct their knowledge and understanding. Ideas cannot and should not be
transmitted to passive learners as if they were a tabula rasa. Every student is unique and rich with ideas that should be used to construct new concepts and procedures appropriate mathematical tasks, allowed to conjecture, discuss and explain their solutions. They should be challenged with

2) Knowledge and understánding are unique for each student. Students have a different network of ideas that the individual integrates with the new knowledge when faced with a task. Teachers should not treat all students as the same.

3) Reflective thinking is the simple most important ingredient for effective leaming. Students must be mentally engaged, encouraged to find the relevant previous ideas and use them to develop new ideas and solutions to new problems. This promotes relational learning.

4) Effective teaching is a student-centered activity. The emphasis is on learning rather than teaching. The students’ task is to leam and the teacher’s task. is to pose worthwhile mathematics tasks and create an enabling environment for exploration and sense-making. The source of mathematical truth is formed in
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