Check the Values of Teaching Mathematics with Problems

By | April 22, 2021

Values of Teaching Mathematics with Problems
1) Problem solving places the focus of the students attention on ideas and sense making.

When students are solving problems they reflect on the ideas that are inherent in the problems. These ideas are more likely to be integrated with existing ones, and this improves understanding.

2) Problem solving develops “mathematical power” Students are engaged in the five mathematical

processes of “doing mathematics-problem solving



3) Problem solving develops the belief in students that they are capable of doing mathematics and mathematics makes sense.Every problematic task

They are capable of doing mathematics and
mathematics makes sense.Every problematic task

From the teacher indicates his/her beliet in tn
students ability to do it. Every problem solved by students builds their confidence and self-worth.

4) Problem solving provides ongoing assessment data that can be used to make instructional decisions, heip the students succeed, and inform parents. Students discuss ideas, defend their solutions and evaluate others, and write reports or explanations. These
provide valuable information for planning next lesson, helping individuals, evaluating their progress, and communicating with parents.

5) Problem solving is a lot of fun. The excitement of students developing understanding through their own reasoning is worth all the effort. This is fun for the students.

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