Exam wishes from Seth Nyarko to students

By | March 26, 2021


I wish you well in whatever subject you are entitled to write in this week, asking God’s favor to be bestowed on you in all your papers.

I pray that the God of all things, the Mighty God of the Bible who helped all successful Bible characters, be with you in all things…

The God the set right the lineage of Seth and Noah (Gen 5:1-3; 6:8) position you to lead your future generations using this exams as a testimony of your life; May the God of Abraham that promised him to bless his generations (Gen 12:2; 17:5-6) bless you in all these exams; May the God that sanctified Israel through the red Sea (1 Co 10:1-2) and gave them laws that made them special amongst all nations (Psalm 147:19-20), bless and sanctify you for your exams making you so special amongst all students; May the God of war and good nurturing who faught for Israel and nurtured them through Moses (Josh 12:1-6), Johsua (Josh 12:7-24), Othniel (Judg 3:7-10), Ehud (Judg 3:30), Shamgar (Judg 3:31), Deborah and Barak (Judg 4:12-24), Gideon (Judg 8:28), Tola (Judg 10:1-2), Jair (Judg 10:4-5), Jephthah (Judg 11:32-33, 12:7), Ibzan and Elon and Abdon (Judg 12:11-12), Samson (Judg 15:20, 16:31), Samuel (1 Sam 7:15-17), Saul (1 Sam 14:47-48), David (2 Sam 6:1-15), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:42)…be with you and fight for you for better grades in the papers ahead of you.

May the God who gave the apostles what to speak and then reminded them of how they should speak (Acts 10:19-20), remind you of whatever you have studied and give you the right answers to write in the exams room/hall… Amen.

In all these, remember that…

✓ Exams is to control your fear against life failure and not to create fear for your failure;

✓ It’s a test and not temptation;

✓ You deal with papers in the exams room which can determine your future in education and not gods to blind your eyes and mind;

✓ It’s to structure and restructure you and not to destroy and/or punish you;

✓ You are the controller of the papers and not your conscience;

✓ The answers are not your enemies but are to help you overcome;

✓ You are always to win but not to lose.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and help you to write and pass with excellence in this examination… Amen.

I wish you well in your exams

From Seth Nyarko, CCCM@KPCE.

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