Induction training: Vital information to all NSS Personnel
The National Teaching Council has let out the examinable areas for the forthcoming 2023 Licensure exams.
Earlier, the Council published the Schedule one (1) for the announced Induction training which has seven (7) Regions.
The Council informed attendees at the Induction training about how the 2023 Licensure exams will be conducted come June/July 2023 (the likely month for the licensure exams.)
New Examination Fees For Colleges Of Education 2023LICENSURE EXAMS PAPERS
All National Qualified Teachers (NQT) are encouraged to read about NTC in a whole also for their licensure exams. Also, any information about the make-up of the three (3) organizations (NTC, National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NSIA) and NaCCA) should be treated seriously.
The papers to be written in this year’s Licensure exams are in three (3) folds.
General paper & Elective paper. This paper is divided into two (2) parts. The Content paper and Pedagogy paper.
In all, the papers are:
- General paper (Essential skills, numeracy, and literacy).
- Content paper
- Pedagogy paper
The month for registration is June 2023. However, in due time, the Council will announce the exact date for the registration. But for now, all NQT are urged to keep reading widely ahead of the exams.
According to the Induction training, the exams will be seated for in July 2023.
In conclusion, all NQTs are advised to learn all seriously for the exams. Also, Numeracy which is part of the General paper should be treated with care since it has a trend of failure over the years. Focus be laid on basic study areas not higher-level studies because your area of work is Basic Schools (KG, Primary, & JHS).