List Of High Schools In Boksburg
List Of High Schools In Boksburg. Here is the full list of accredited high schools in Boksburg and their fees, history, requirements, and other details.
Check List Of High Schools In Boksburg
The city called Boksburg in South Africa in located at the East Rand of Guateng Province closed to Johannesburg.
The city Boksburg is less densed with population as compared to Johannesburg. Their education is a top-notch avenue to build a growing child.
- Before the change of name to Boksburg High School, it was called Rand East Training and Preparatory College. The school was under the auspices of the Ekurhuleni South Education District.
The school (public) was established in the year 1920.
It is located on 105 Leeuwpoort Syreett, Boksburg.
In Boksburg schools, they use English as their L1 to communicate and before Afrikaans and Home languages. The school admits learners from grade 8 to 12.
In the Province of Guateng, Boksburg, Boksburg stands as the best school having the requisite skills and facilities to accommodate children of Secondary School going age hence, shaping their tomorrow today with the guide of the school’s academic brilliance as known of for ages.
You can reach Boksburg High School through the e-mail [email protected] or their website boks.co.za
- Willowmoore High School.
The School is a fee paying that have been co-educational established in Benoni Central Boksburg. It was founded in the year 1974.
How much is Willowmoore High School fees?
The school charge learners R16,500.00 for an academic year (1year).
Which grade is at Willowmoore High School?
The fee paying school admits learners from grade 8 to 12.
Sporting activities in Willowmoore High School
They have avenues to practice sporting activities like, Rugby, Hockey, Tennis, S.C.A, Athletics, Swimming, among others.
They also have a record of excellent academic since its inception. Again, they’ve incorporated culture into the education system which is aimed at passing the nation’s culture value to the young coming up future leaders.
Reach the school through e-mail : [email protected]
Website : willowmoore.ca.zaza
- Christian Brothers’ College was established as an all boys’ school in Boksburg South. The school is an independent that runs Grades: R-12. Their fees are paid annually within the range of R51,600 to R101,280
Christian Brothers’ College is made up of three (3) schools. They are: Junior Primary, Senior Primary, & High School.
The school is an all combined structure that teaches both academic and spiritual well developed programmes in depth.
For the Junior Primary, it commences from Year 000 to Year 3
The Senior Primary division of school in Christian Brothers’ College spins from end of Junior level.
Year 4 is the first level in Senior Primary and Year 7 marks the last year.
The last part is High School. It starts from Year 8 and ends at Year 12.
Contact the school via:
e-mail on [email protected]
Visit their website cbc.org.za for any further enquiries.
- Sunward Park High School established in 1997. In knowledge imparting since time memorial, they employed teachers on gender balance and race inclusiveness. The management of the school have Indian, black, and other race as teachers since they’re qualified.
It is a public school that is run on fee paying terms.
At Sunward Park High School located at Sonskyn & Cresta Rd Sunward Park, Boksburg, they are open for grades 8-12.
They have an adequate staff that can handle the students as expected. Staffs from administration down to security personnel.
With academic performance, they have quality and reliable average records (98-100%) analyzed and packed for reference since 1977 till date in archives.
In the school, the have a feeding component that caters for the learners to promote proper academic studies.
School contact: e-mail [email protected] website sphsherokuapp.com
- Voortrekker High School
It is one of the oldest schools in Boksburg. Full operation of the school was unveiled in 1920 where it was identified as the first and oldest Afrikaans High School ever in the history of the region, Gauteng.
The school is known for its winning of awards and from prestigious schemes, modern facilities that aids academic. They include gymnastics hall built with a modern architecture, Science laboratories, and Biology laboratories.
Below are their contacts:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: voortrekkerhs.co.za