List Of High schools in Germiston, Check List
Check High schools in Germiston and their admission requirements, admission processes, courses offered, history, location, and contact address.
The city Germiston is located in the Gauteng Province of South Africa.
Geographically, it is situated in the Witwatersrand which is directly in the Southeast of the capital Johannesburg.
High schools in Germiston are affordable with less stress. Are you a parenting browser for high schools in Germiston?
Kindly read this article and find the location of the top 10 high schools in Germiston.
- Germiston High School, founded in 1962 in Elandsfontein 108-ir is one of the combined schools that operates as an ordinary and technical institution.
- Hoër Tegniese Skool Elspark, located in Elspark. The knowledge hub is a secondary school that functions as an ordinary school.
- Hoërskool Elsburg, Elsburg, secondary school. It runs as an ordinary.
- Hoërskool Goudrif is an ordinary secondary school located in Marlands.
- Afrikaanse Hoërskool Germiston is a secondary school located in Lambton. Their area of specialization is ordinary.
- Dawnview High School is a secondary school in the township of Primrose. Their status is ordinary.
- Dinwiddle High School is an Andbalock Street secondary school that operates as an ordinary school. They don’t specialize in any field.
- Esselen Park Sports School of Excellence, Elandfontein. Esselen Park Sports School of Excellence is a secondary school functioning as an ordinary institution. They do not teach for specialization.
- Hoërskool Vryburger School in Dawnview is an ordinary secondary school.
- Phumula Gardens Secondary School
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