List of high schools in Krugersdorp
List of high schools in Krugersdorp. Here is the full list of all accredited high schools in Krugersdorp and their admission requirements, fees, history, location, and details.
Description Of Krugersdorp
The name Krugersdorp started as a church over a century now. They rose with dedication and faith work from the church’s early days. The town is located in Gauteng Province in South Africa.
The town of krugersdop is dominated by more than 40% of indigenes who can speak Afrikaans and a split in the remaining percent among Tswana and English.
A brief history of Krugersdorp High School.
Through the support of W.R.C.C.As sponsors with a percent of 25 built the school in 1967 specifically, September 29th.
Check List Of High Schools In Krugersdorp
Below is the full list of high schools in Krugersdorp
- Krugersdorp High School (KHS)
Is the name of one of the high schools in Krugersdorp town. It is located on plot 59 11th St, Randfontein, 1759.
The school’s grade starts from grade 8 to 12. Their curriculum have be carefully structured to suit the demands of the 21st-century skills that learners need to fit appropriately in the world of work and leadership.
In the history of Krugersdorp High School, they have won numerous accolades through participation in competitions like FDDCSMA. During the competition, the victory team traveled to Poland for a tour and other unlisted countries.
The works of Krugersdorp High School always speak for without any awareness creation. The community and South African country at large uphold their excellence in fields they always work in for success.
For more inquiries, e-mail the school through [email protected]
Website: krugersdophigh.co.za
- Pro-Practicum School.
Pro-Practicum School is one of the schools in Gauteng Province that equips its learners with skills.
The name has power. Here comes the definition of the school’s name Pro-Practicum.
The runs from grade 0 to 12
The school serves as an avenue for learners to acquire more knowledge on skill works. The school is widely known for the inclusiveness (special needs) of all learners without discrimination.
Events are organized like festivals which will enable the student to exhibit their musical prowess.
Skills taught are as follows:
painting, computer literacy, woodwork, motor mechanics, welding, hairdressing, and technological spraying.
For inquiries:
Visit their website propracticum.co.za
- Mandisa Shiceka high School.
The best education is what all parents seek for their wards. Every parent needs a simple but quality education that can impart worldly acceptable qualities in their offspring.
An education with less financial cost, and school facilities can boost learning and effective studies.
At Mandisa Shiceka High School (Public), their ultimate mission is to guide students who have finaassistnd health challenges. They assist students to overcome their challenges and focus on education.
Mandisa Shiceka to High School’s grade starts from 8-12.
Since the school’s mission is to assist or guide the students for the success of their education, thprogramorporated a school feeding program into their school structure.
Facilities of Mandisa Shiceka High School.
The school has many facilities ranging from classroom blocks, laboratories, sports faciliequatemong other facilities that equate the private schools in terms of haven educational facilities that have the potential to skyrocket the outcomes are education.
Their school fees are paid annually. It costs R40,000
Contact the school through the e-mail:
[email protected]
Visit their website at mandisahighschool.org.za
- West Rand School (founded in 1968)
The school is well versed in special needs and care. At West Rand School, they accept all types of learners since the earners are back by human rights: the right to education. West Rand’s policies are well carved to suit the conditions of their learners.
As a special needs and care educational complex, the staff entails psychologists, educators, and Speech and Occupational physiotherapists that always work with diligence and care when handling the learners.
Their core value is to redefine what society perceives of disability and inability.
For proper guidance, the torts from grade 0 to 12 to nurture them till they grow.
With R680 each month, your ward can attend West Rand School for 11 months.
Email the school through: [email protected]
OR Visit their website westrandschool.co.za
- Ahmed Timol Secondary School.
It is a Grade 8 – Grade 12 school for Krugersdorp located at Azaadville, Krugersdorp 1754. They equip learner21st-century lass accepting of 21st-century skills in all spheres of work.
Brief background
In the year 1925, the AhmeunderSecondary was established but with the name Asaadville Secondary. Later in 1999, Former President of South Africa, toon Mandela renamed the school date.
The Ahmed Timol Secondary School has over a 1itsenrollment of learners under their auspices for academic excellence. Currently, they are one of the lead ding schools in the Province with a chunk of accolades.
Email the school: [email protected]
Website: ahmedtimolsecondary.co.za