Meet the first year Teacher Trainee who knew more about TTAG before coming to College

By | April 2, 2021

A teacher trainee from Berekum College of Education has surprised colleagues in his College for knowing too much about TTAG even before getting admission.

According to the report, Mr. Owusu Agyiri knew on campus as obvious rushed to get himself the TTAG cloth even before it will be advertised to them.

Sources say even though his college is yet to be sensitized about what the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana is all about this level 100, he knows a lot about the association including its aims and what it seeks to achieve.

Schooling some of his colleagues on TTAG, he said, TTAG is an association that servers as the mouthpiece for all teacher trainees.

He also encouraged his colleague’s first-year students to get themselves the TTAG cloth. To him, this will signify unity building.

A brief history of TTAG

Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana is a non-governmental organization that serves as a mouthpiece of all trained from the 46 colleges of Education in Ghana.

The TTAG update trainees through the Colleges of Education Weekly Journal.

The Colleges of Education Weekly Journal is an online news journal that educates, inform and entertain trainee teachers and all other relevant stakeholders associated with teacher education in Ghana and beyond.

TWJ is registered under the National Media Commission of Ghana (NMC) to address trainee teachers, Tutors, and otheconcernedrn stakeholders to air their views about happenings in the teacher education sector.

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