Methods of teaching primary school mathematics marking school

By | March 26, 2021



EBS 323

Answer ALL the questions

For items 1 to 14, each stem is followed by four options lettered A to D. Read each statement carefully
and circle the letter that corresponds to the correct or best option.

  1. The categories under cognitive domain of learning include the following EXCEPT
    A. Characterization
    B. Evaluation
    C. Knowledge
    D. Synthesis
  2. All the following are qualities of a good learner EXCEPT __.
    A. building relationships
    B. learning in isolation
    C. obeying rules
    D. simplicity of mind
  3. The option that depicts deductive learning approach is ______.
    A. hypothesis→ observation→ theory→ confirmation.
    B. observation→ theory→ hypothesis→ confirmation
    C. theory → confirmation → observation → hypothesis
    D . theory- hypothesis- observation- confirmation
  4. Instead of explaining a given concept and following this explanation with examples, the
    teacher presents students with many examples showing how the concept is used. What type
    of learning is this?
    A. Deductive learning
    B. Practice learning
    C. Inductive learning
    D. Traditional learning
  5. The consistent behaviour that indicates the student’s preference for primary science is
    called __________.
    A. organizing
    B. receiving
    C. responding
    D. valuing
  6. Learning occurs when practice or experience causes a relatively permanent change in an
    individual’s knowledge, behaviors, or attitudes. The change may be deliberate or
    unintentional, for better or for worse (Hill, 2002). Which of the following statement(s)
    explain(s) learning?
    I. It is an event.
    II. It is a product.
    III. It is a process.
    A. I
    B. II
    C. I and II
    D. II and III
  7. Which of the following learning domain(s) contain(s) learning skills that are predominantly
    related to emotional processes?
    I. Affective
    II. Cognitive
    III. Psychomotor
    A. I
    B. II
    C. I and II
    D. II and III
  8. A student used his/her knowledge in solubility to solve a problem in a new situation. At
    what cognitive level was the student operating?
    A. Application
    B. Comprehension
    C. Knowledge
    D. Synthesis
  9. All the following words depict learning theories EXCEPT ___.
    A. Behaviorist
    B. Cognitivist
    C. Constructivism
    D. Existentialist
  10. The phrase “To develop scientific literacy in learners” is an example of a/an __.
    A. behavioral objective
    B. curriculum goal
    C. instructional objective
    D. learning objective
  11. Which one of the supposed written objectives satisfies the acronym SMART?
    A. By the end of the lesson, the pupil would be able to list four organs of the human digestive system.
    B. By the end of the lesson, the pupil would be able to mention the organs of the
    digestive system.
    C. The pupil would be able to identify organs of the digestive system.
    D. The pupil would be able to mention at least four organs of the human digestive
  12. Which of the following is NOT a category under the Psychomotor Domain?
    A. Adaptation
    B. Mechanism
    C. Organization
    D. Perception
  13. The ability of the a science student to put pieces of parts together to form a new whole is
    termed _________.
    A. analysis
    B. application
    C. evaluation
    D. synthesis
  14. Which of the following schools of thought suggest that only observable behaviours
    should be studied, since internal states such as cognitions, emotions and moods are
    I. Behaviorism
    II. Cognitivism
    III. Constructivism
    A. I
    B. II
    C. III
    D. I, II and III

Items 15 – 17 are the statements followed by True or False options. Read each statement
carefully and indicate whether it is True or False by circling the letter of the correct

  1. Cognitivism is “the psychology of learning which emphasizes human cognition or
    intelligence as a special endowment enabling man to form hypotheses and develop
    A. True
    B. False
  2. A behaviorist theory is based on the fundamental idea that behaviors that are reinforced

to continue, while behaviors that are unpunished will eventually end.
A. True
B. False

  1. Evaluation is the process of obtaining information and using it to form judgement that, in
    turn are used in decision making.
    A. True
    B. False

For items 18 – 20, write the appropriate responses in the spaces provided.

  1. Which scientific value encourages learners to work together in the learning environment
    and become tolerant to be able to live peacefully with all persons?
  2. The category of learning domains where we have Evaluation as a level is
    _______ . COGNITIVE DOMAIN
  3. The skill of assessing the likelihood of an outcome based on prior knowledge of how
    things usually turn out
    _______. PREDICTING

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