Course Outline For Project Work EBS490, Check Details Here

By | October 18, 2021

Course Outline For Project Work EBS490, Check Details Here

About Project Work

This is practical work done on statistics education around the world.
This course further addresses the
professional development of teachers of statistics and highlights the application of statistics and research methods in education to solving school-related problems. This course presents students with the opportunity to engage in an in-depth study of an issue or topic
in education or classroom rehtcd practice. It may be in the form of a small-scale research study, a case study, a program evaluation, or a report on field placement. Completing a project as part of your coursework degree is an opportunity to leam to read and
interpret other people’s research critically by doing your own.

It illustrates the statistical
problem-solving poses across levels of development makes pedagogical recommendations of particular relevance to teaching and learning including the use of technology and the role of assessment.

Course Title: Project Work
Course Code: EBS490
Course Level: 400
Credit Value:3

Course Description
A Project is an in-depth study of an issue or topic in education or classroom-related practice. It may be in the form of a small-scale research study, a program evaluation, or a report on field placement.

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Course Content
Unit 1
Background to the study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives, research questions, the significance of the study, delimitation of the study.

Unit 2
Review Of Related Literature
Literature Review

Unit 3
Research design
Sample and sampling
Data Collection and Analysis

Unit 4
Presentation of results from the analysis

Unit 5
Discussion of results

Unit 6

Unit 7
Recommendation for policy and practice
Unit 8
Reference List
Citing sources appropriately

Course Assessment
Component 1
(Formative Assessment ): Presentation of chapters 1 &2
Component 2
(Formative Assessment): Presentation of chapters 3 &4
Weighting: 30%

Component 3
(Summative Assessment): Presentation of chapters 1-5 for final assessment of the project by Tutors
Weighting: 40%

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