Reminder:PRINCOF Sends A Strong Message To All Teacher Trainees In Colleges of Education
The Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) has sent a strong message to all teacher trainees concerning Covid-19 Vaccination.
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According to PRINCOF, all prospective students should ensure that they are vaccinated and should provide evidence of having been vaccinated before they will be offered accommodation in the various halls of residence in the Colleges. All continuing students are also expected to be vaccinated before they report to campus.
PRINCOF is desirous of joining the fight against the spread of COVID 19, To this end, Principals of all Public Colleges of Education are expected to insert a sentence in their admission letters to all prospective first-year students, to the effect that all students should ensure that they are vaccinated and should provide evidence of having been vaccinated before they will be offered accommodation in the various halls of residence in the Colleges. All continuing students are also expected to be vaccinated before they report to campus. Principals are to see to it that continuing students receive information in this regard.
Please, note that the message to prospective first-year students could read, in part, as follows: “You are, as a first-year student of this college, expected to show evidence that you have taken the COVID 19, vaccination before you will be given accommodation on campus.