How To Apply For Local Tertiary School Scholarship In Ghana 2022/2023
How To Apply For Local Tertiary Scholarship In Ghana 2022/2023. Are you looking for details on how to apply for a local tertiary Scholarship in Ghana? Today, I will explain everything that you need to know about Ghana Local tertiary scholarship award .
Local Tertiary Scholarship: It is one of the collaborative efforts taken by the Government of Ghana and Ghana Scholarship Secretariat to make scholarships available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at District levels.
Scholarship Decentralization Process
Ghana Scholarship Secretariat has decentralized the scholarship application to make it very easy for tertiary students to access financial aids at the District level without going to the Ghana Scholarship Secretariat Headquarters.
Requirements For Local Tertiary Scholarship In Ghana
Below is the list of requirements you need to satisfy before applying for the scholarship.
A. Applicants are to take note of the following:
• Should have gained admission into a local tertiary institution
•Should have registered and enrolled to undertake the course
•The Institution should be accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB)
•Categories of Local Tertiary Institutions (Private and Public)
•Nurses/Teacher Training Colleges
Colleges of Agriculture
•Technical Universities
•Certificate awarding tertiary institutions
B. Continuing students should apply online between 1st April – 15th May of each academic year.
C. New students who had late admission should apply between 1st – 30th September of each academic year
D. Applicants will undertake an online aptitude test during the application process.
E. Appear before a panel for interviews in your selected district
F. The information of the applicant will be forwarded to the institutions of the applicant for confirmation and validation.
G. Electronic award letters will be issued to the successful applicants by the Scholarships Secretariat.
H. Payment of scholarship entitlements to respective institutions
A. Information for existing beneficiaries
Existing foreign scholarship beneficiaries will be given a portal to enable them to renew their awards annually online.
B. Bilateral Application to prospective applicants for bilateral scholarship awards will be required to complete the online application upon confirmation of their awards by the awarding country.
C. Non-Bilateral Scholarship Awards
All applications for non-bilateral awards will be received online when advertised.
How To Apply For Local Tertiary Scholarship In Ghana 2022/2023
Follow the steps below to apply for the Local Tertiary Scholarship
•Login to Ghana Scholarship Secretariat Official Website:www.scholarshipgh.com
•Click on sign up to create a new account
•provide your details in the spaces provided
•Follow the subsequent steps to create your account.
•Finally click on Apply Now to begin the application process.
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