List Of Ghana Immigration Service Training Schools
List Of Ghana Immigration Service Training Schools.There are two (2) schools established in the Immigration Service Academy Training School.
The schools are: Immigration Service Academy (ISA) and Immigration Service Training School (ISTS)
Are you interested in GIS? Check the Training schools for GIS here.
| GIS | ISA | ISTS |
Background of Immigration Service Academy & Training School
In the late 90s (1998), the Ghana Immigration Service founded the Immigration Service Academy & Training School (ISATS) to achieve administrative works, management, and contributions to handling security-related issues effectively.
Also, their target is to train for professionalism hence, growing the knowledgeable working Officers who can handle the affairs of the service as years flip by.
Formerly, the GIS relies on GPS, GAF, Ghana Prisons Service, and The Fire Service to train Ghana Immigration Service Officers before they work for them (Ghana Immigration Service).
Check: List Of Ghana Immigration Service Training Schools
There are two (2) schools established in the Immigration Service Academy Training School.
The schools are: Immigration Service Academy (ISA) and Immigration Service Training School (ISTS) .The Academy is meant to train Senior Officers of the Service and the ISTS was meant to train Junior Officers, run Refresher courses, and promotional exams for the Juniors when the time is due.
The school is situated in Twifo Praso-Foso in Foso. One of the towns and districts in the Central region of Ghana.
At the Training School, they offer courses that will shape the mind and standards of the service. Courses about migration, handling of migration issues, and how to co-operate with civilians for a better outcome hence easing their workloadDiscipline is key, drills are learned and other vital courses, GIS codes and conducts, and many more.
Are you interested in GIS? Check the Training schools for GIS here.
| GIS | ISA | ISTS |
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