Colleges Of Education Non-Teaching Staff Suspends Indefinite Strike, Check Details
The management of the Colleges Of Education Non-Teaching Staff Association Of Ghana wishes to inform the general public especially, trainees in Colleges of Education that their indefinite strike action has been suspended pending further engagement with relevant stakeholders.
The suspension of the indefinite strike follows a directive from the National Labour Commission which compiles CENTSAG to call off the strike and meet Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) and other interested parties to achieve the expected resolutions to matters that affected the strike.
Check Full Press Release From CENTSAG
- Our declaration of indefinite strike dated April 4, 2022, and our appearance before the NationalLabour Commission (NLC) on April 13, 2022, referred.
- By the proceedings that ensued at the NLC as above referred, the decision
reached and the directive issued by the NLC requires CENTSAG to call off the strike and meet Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) and other interested parties to achieve the expected resolutions to matters that affected the strike. Accordingly, CENTSAG is to return to NLC on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, to report the outcome of our engagement with the parties aforestated - In the import of the foregoing. we communicate the decision of the National Council of CENTSAG to suspend our indefinite strike for the Week ending Wednesday, April 20, 2022, to engage the parties above stated to reach a complete resolution to the issues for which CENTSAG went on strike.
- We accordingly NOTIFY our Employer and all Stakeholders of our RESUMPTION of the Strike on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, or thereafter should the issues at stake remain unresolved without serving any additional notice of strike.
- May we reiterate that given the exigency under which we are suspending this strike, Management of the Colleges of Education should expect a spontaneous response by the members of CENTSAG to resume duty however, it is possible that this communication will not reach all our members on time. Hence, we expect Management to be circumspect with the punctuality of our members resuming duties.
- We appreciate all Stakeholders and the Media for granting us the audience,
Long live CENTSAG!
Long Live Colleges of Education! Long Live Ghana!
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