UG Grading System And How To Calculate GPA- Education Ghana

By | June 13, 2022
UG Grading System And How To Calculate GPA

UG Grading System And How To Calculate GPA- Education Ghana

The University of Ghana (UG) situated in Legon, Accra is one of the top universities in Ghana. It has produced several prominent personalities in the country.

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The university has its grading system which it uses in ranking its students into the various classes of degrees ranging from the lowest rank which is PASS to SECOND CLASS (lower and upper) and finally the highest rank is FIRST CLASS.

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the overall grade you get by adding all your grades and dividing by the number of classes in a semester.

Whereas Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the total GPA in all the semesters a student has taken in the university.

UEW Grading system and How To Calculate GPA, Check Details

In this article, we are going to show you UG’s grading system and how to calculate your Grade Point Average (GPA)

Check UG Grading System And How To Calculate GPA

GPAs are semester specific. Following are the Scores/Marks, Grade, Grade Point, and Interpretation respectively.

80 – 100, A, 4.0, Outstanding

75 – 79, B+, 3.5, Very Good

70 – 74, B, 3.0, Good

65 – 69, C+, 2.5, Finally Good

60 – 64, C, 2.0, Average

55 – 59, D+, 1.5, Below Average

50 – 54, D, 1.0, Marginal Pass

45 – 49, E, 0.5, Unsatisfactory

0 – 44, F, 0, Fail

How To Calculate GPA

In calculating GPA, the Total Grade Point of the courses in the semester is divided by the Total Credit. Example below:

  1. Code: PHCL101
    Credit: 3
    Grade: C+
    GPT: 7.50
  2. Code: SOCI121
    Credit: 3
    Grade: B
    GPT: 9.00
  3. Code: SREL111
    Credit: 3
    Grade: B+
    GPT: 10.50
  4. Code: UGRC120
    Credit: 3
    Grade: A
    GPT: 12.00
  5. Code: UGRC140
    Credit: 3
    Grade: B+
    GPT: 10.50

Total GP=49.5
Total Credits= 15
GPA= 49.5/15
GPA= 3.3


Read below the Class and their corresponding Class range:

First Class (3.60 – 4.00)

Second Class (Upper Division) – 3.00 – 3.59

Second Class (Lower Division) – 2.00 – 2.99

Third Class (1.50 – 1.99)

Pass (1.00 – 1.49)

Fail (No award) – 0.00 – 0.99

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