NTC Announces Date To Conduct 2nd Edition Of 2022 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination
In this article, we have gathered information on the registration process, the Deadline/end of the portal date, and other related information to the licensure examination.
The Head of Public Relations at the National Teaching Council, Dennis Osei Owusu, announced on the 8th day of September 2022 announced the new extended date for the 2022 National Teaching Council (NTC) Licensure Exams to the 11th day of September 2022.
Per his issued statement, the extension date was fueled by actions that will assist the teachers (candidates) who faced challenges during the initial registration date and fill the gap creator to patch up registrations successfully.
The extension will also allow the new candidates who wish to register to do as they wish. Also, he said after the current extension (September 11th), NTC will not announce any further extensions.
How much will Candidates pay for the license exams?
All candidates who will sit for the license examination will pay a sum of GH¢ 350.00 as their registration fee.
How much will the resit paper cost?
Below are the costcorrespondencedent to the papers either one, two, or three:
You have to pay:
i. GH¢150.00 for 1 resit paper.
ii. GH¢300.00 for 2 resit papers.
iii. GH¢350.00 for 3 resit papers.
What papers will be written before you acquire a license from NTC?
The papers that are written here are three (3).
They are as follows:
- Numeracy.
- Literacy.
- Essential professionaskillsll.
Where can I get the NTC exams registration voucher to purchase?
The only avenue to purchase your voucher authentically before registering for the licensure exams is GCB Bank PLC.
For easy convenience, the National Teaching Council introduced a system that accepts mobile money instantly for the purchase of vouchers. After the MoMo purchase of the voucher, kindly continue the process online for success.
Steps For Purchasing Registration Voucher
A. Mobile Money Process
Dial 77251#
A prompt will appear with two alternatives for a pick:
Fresh Candidate and Re-sit Fees.
Select your preferred option from the displayed menu on the phone.
Next, key in your name in full and select the fee. l assigned to it.
You will beep deep with an SMS. The message will contain your PIN and SERIAL NUMBER for use in the next step.
- The Bank Process: GCB Bank PLC
Go to GCB Bank PLC and provide your named me, index number assigned to you by your institution.
inquiries from customer care about your purpose of visit (purchasing a voucher).
How to make payment after-paymentment steps will be communicated to you appropriately.
Get your payment receipt. On the receipt, you will see a Serial Number and PIN which will be used for the registration on the NTC portal.
Registration Steps For NTC Licensure Exams Online 2022, READ HERE >>
- Open your browser and type https://tpg.ntc.gov.gh and click on the button ‘RegisNowNow’
- Login with your Serial Number and the PIN you received when you bought the voucher at the bank or through the mobile money system on your phone.
- Next, the menu will require a selection of ecentresntre. (choose your preferred center).
NB: The system does not permit correction therefore, kindly be cautious about entering your details to prevent a mistake before proceeding.
- The registration portal opens. Input your name, contact, address, qualification, school name, program of study, and, class obtained.
- Prepare a photo for upload (i.e your profile picture) and click on submit.
- Upon submission, print the page that has your exam details and a provisiotimetableable that will be displayed on the screen.
NB: Remember to print the page before the exam day, it will be required.
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