Update On Colleges Of Education Teachers Association Strike Today, Check Now
Here is the latest update on the Colleges Of Education Teachers Association Of Ghana’s Strike after a meeting with the Minister Of Education, Principals Of Colleges Of Education, and other stakeholders.
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A Report on the Meeting at the Ministry of Education
- The meeting had reps from all the affiliate universities, #CETAG, #PRINC, OF, and #GTEC in attendance.
- In his preliminary comment, the Minister expressed his worry at the continuing strike by CETAG.
3.About the main agenda for the meeting, the Hon. Minister felt that PRINCOF should allow laying before him their proposed calendar.
- CETAG was asked to recuse itself to pave way for PRINCOF’s presentation on it proposed academic calendar for 2022/2023.
- Later, when leadership was recalled to the meeting, the Hon. Minister informed us that he had asked PRINCOF to go back and fine-tune other considerations before resubmitting for further discussions. 6.The Hon Minister assured CETAG that he would give CETAa G a chance to make inputs after PRINCOF had resubmitted.
- At this point, the Hon. Ministry called the FWSC at the meeting and asked them to prepare a Communique on the outstanding issues that leadership will send to Council for consideration to suspend the strike for 2 weeks to enable hito m address our concerns for us.
- In addition, the Hon. Minister, the reps of the affiliate universities, PRINCOF, and GTEC appealed to CETAG to reconsider suspending the strike to give the Hon. Minister the chance to intervene as he has assured.
- Finally, the Hon. Minister assured leadership for third time to give him that trust to do it for CETAG, just as he did it for UTAG, TUTAG et al recently; failure of which CETAG can resume her strike after the two weeks.
- Conclusively, CETAG is to report back by the close of tomorrow Wednesday, 14th December, 2022 to enable the Minister take a decision.