Update On Payment Of Nursing Trainee Allowances 2023
Check the latest update on the payment of nursing trainee allowances.
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The National Executive Committee of the Ghana Nurse-Midwife Trainees Association (GNMTA) has released a new update on the payment of trainee nurses’ allowance after engaging the Ministry Of Finance.
On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, The National Executive Committee of the Ghana Nurse-Midwife Trainees Association (GNMTA) met with the Ministry of Health, together with key personnels from our mother association (GRNMA) to discuss pertinent issues. The issues that were brought to light included but were not limited to:
. The delay with payment of trainee allowances
In his response, the Director of Human Resources at the MoH assured that the allowances could only be delayed but not denied. He added that three months’ worth of allowances will be paid to the current Second and Third Years, as well as those who recently sat for the NMC Licensure Examination very soon.
The unapproved tuition fees and related bills
On this issue, the Director assured the Leadership of GNMTA that the bill had been submitted to parliament for review and subsequent passage to enable a standardized, approved, and reasonable amount to be charged as tuition.
The deliberate blocking of some final-year students from accessing their NMC results owing to their inability to pay the extra bill of Ghc100.00, which was introduced last semester where He added that final-year students who have had their results blocked due to non-payment of the extra fees charged would be advocated for by way of addressing the challenge with their institutional heads.
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We, therefore, urge all members using this communiqué, to remain hopeful in light of these present challenges.
With the support of our mother association, GNMTA will forever do all for the betterment of all.
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